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"That was fun," I say to Nick as we get inside the apartment. We just finished with rehearsals and it was tons of fun.

He smiles, "I'm glad you had a good time. We usually try to make it as much fun as we can."

"Well I loved it." He walks over to the refrigerator and grabs a water, "Nick?"

"Mhm?" He sits down on the island chair and I sit down next to him.

"You know you don't have to come with me," I say. "I can always bring Hardin with me."

His jaw clenches when I say that. Honestly I don't understand his problem with Hardin, "I want to take you though. It'll be fun."

"Nothing with my family is fun," I mumble.

"Don't think so negative about it," he says. "We will just have our own type of fun."

I smile, "You are right," I stand up from the island chair, "Goodnight, Nick."

"Goodnight, Ads."


"Hardin, I'll see you on Monday. It's not that big of a deal," I say as he pulls up to my apartment complex. We just went out for some ice cream.

"I'm going to miss you though," he says. He parks the car and looks over at me.

I smile, "I'll miss you too, but it's not a big deal. We can just hang out when I get back."

"Deal," he says.

"I better get going though. I can't be late or my mom will kill me," I say. I grab my purse and I start to open the door.

"Goodbye beautiful. Have fun."

"Thank you."

I get out of Hardin's car and I walk up to the apartment. Nick and I are going to be leaving very soon. I'm honestly not looking forward to this at all.

I walk inside the apartment and Nick is putting his shoes on, "Hey, you ready to go?" I ask.

"Yup," he says. "Just have to get my bag." I nod my head and I walk to my room. I grab my two bags and I walk out of my room.

It honestly feels weird to pack my things up and leave the apartment. I don't ever leave unless I'm going to school or to the building. I'm usually always home.

I'm also not ready to see my family. My entire family actually drives me insane and we obviously don't get along at all. My dad and his stupid business can shove it up their ass.

"Ready?" Nick asks while coming out of his room. I snap out of it and I nod my head. We walk down the stairs until we get to the parking garage.

"Still can't believe you have a car," I say.

He chuckles, "Why does that surprise you?"

"Because you never talk about it," I say. "Most men love cars and they always talk about them. You never do."

"That would be because I'm not obsessed with cars like most men."

"Then what are you obsessed with?" I ask.


I laugh, "Shoes? Really, Nick?"

"Yes, really. You should see how many pairs of shoes I brought just for the weekend."

I laugh, "I don't even want to know."

Nick stops in front of a white car and he smiles super big, "This is the ride."

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