gone for good

428 14 4

(Nick's POV)

"You don't have to go today," I tell her as she puts her shoes on.

"I'm fine."

"You always say that you are fine, but you clearly aren't," I say. "Just take the day off today."

She looks up from the ground, "I want to be there. I need to be there for you because I know Sasha will be there."

"That doesn't matter. You need to be there for yourself," I say. "Not for me."

"I can do both," she stands up from the small bench and walks to the island to grab her coffee.

"We could both stay home," I say.

"Nick, it's fine," she says. "I'm okay and so are you. We have to go to rehearsals."

"Okay," I say.

We walk out of the apartment together and we go downstairs. I told her we could take the Tesla, so we go to get in the car.

Once we are both in the car I drive away to go to the building. She doesn't say anything and neither do I. She just stares out the window the whole time.

I really do hate seeing her like this. She is so broken and so upset about everything. I wish I could just fix everything for her, but I can't. It's just not that simple.

We get to the building and we go inside without saying a word to each other. We make sure to stay next to each other though. I'm not leaving her and I know she doesn't want to leave my side.

"Nick, Addison," we both turn around to see Rose standing there with the biggest smile on her face. I don't even want to look at her. I haven't talked to her yet since everything happened and I don't want to talk to her either.

"Rose," Addison says with no emotion whatsoever.

"How are you guys?"

I roll my eyes, "And you care why?"

"What crawled up your ass today?" Rose asks me. "Usually you are in a good mood."

I scoff, "Yea, I wonder why I'm in a bad mood."

"What do you even want?" Addison asks.

"I'm not aloud to say hi to my friends?"

"You might as well not consider us as your friends now," Addison says.

Rose frowns, "Why?"

"Do you not know what you did?" Addison asks. I'm glad Addison is here, but she is already in a mad mood and I won't be surprised if she tries to kill Rose.

"Enlighten me," Rose states.

"You brought Sasha back after what she did to Nick and Zion!" She yells. It starts to get quiet and everyone is now looking at us.

"That was years ago!" She yells. "Sasha has changed a lot."

"Bullshit," Addison yells.

"Do you want me to to get her, so we can talk like grown adults?" Rose asks.

"I'm not talking to her," Addison says, "And I'm sure Nick doesn't want to either."

"I don't," I say.

"Whatever," Rose says. "You guys are just going to have to deal with it because she is back for good."

"And you'll just have to deal with us leaving then," Addison says.

"Addison," I say. "What are you doing?"

"You are going to leave?" Rose asks. "Just because of some girl you don't even know."

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