why you?

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"Maybe you should just come back home," Ashley says while setting my bags down in my apartment. The place looks really old on the outside, but it's actually very nice. "The place is really old. It could burn down any second."

I roll my eyes while laying my purse on the island countertop, "I'll be fine. I think the place is beautiful, if I say so myself." My sister has always been super dramatic and a little extra when it comes to certain things.

"Just come back to New Jersey, Addison," she says, "It's so much better there. New York always smells funny."

I chuckle, "You just want me to come back home and stay with you."

"Well duh. You are my sister. I don't want you to move away from us," she says with a frown on her face.

I walk over to her and I put my hands on her shoulders, "You'll see me at Christmas. And you have Ryan." Ryan is her boyfriend of three years now. I've never really liked the dude, but she seems happy so I'm happy for them.

She wraps her tiny arms around my waist and tightens her grip on my body. I hug her back and we hold each other for what seems likes forever. "You should get going before you miss your flight."

She nods her head and pulls away with tears running down her face, "I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too," I say, "Tell mom and dad that I'm all settled in and okay."

She smiles, "I will, bye." She walks out of my apartment and shuts the door behind her. Ashley isn't good with long distance shit. She is also like my best friend, so I understand that she is upset about me leaving.

I moved here to New York to pursue my dreams of going to Juilliard. My parents always told me that I was an amazing singer when I was a little girl. I never believed them until I started singing for my schools choir. Ever since then I've been singing and I love it so much. I worked so hard to get into Juilliard and I actually made it in.

My parent's are very rich and that's how I was able to afford it. I don't base my life around their money though. I'm twenty years old and I got my first job when I was fifteen. I didn't want to be spoiled and use my parents money. The only thing they paid for was for me to get into Juilliard and they paid for my apartment too. I have to look for a job soon.

I look around at my apartment and it's really nice. The place is already furnished, so I didn't bring many of my own belongings with me. The rest of my things are coming in a moving truck in a few days.

The apartment is very warm and it smells like a vanilla candle. When you first walk in the place there is a black island and behind it is the kitchen counters and appliances. To the right of the kitchen is the living room that is connected completely to the kitchen. On the other side of the kitchen there is three doors. Two of them are bedrooms and the other is a bathroom. The place is very nice and you can tell that my parents paid for it all. There is no way I'd be able to pay for something like this.

I grab my suitcase and I wheel it into the room that is at the very end of the hallway. I won't really need the other room much because I don't know anyone around here. The only time I would use it is for when my family stops by.

My bedroom is very nice and it smells like vanilla, just like the kitchen and living room. They do a really nice job furnishing the place.

[Addison's room]

[Addison's room]

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