gang shit

537 15 3

"Who is responsible for the final musical outcome of the song?"

I sit there for a couple seconds trying to think of the answer to it. Nick and I have been sitting here for about four hours now just studying. I have so much to study and he has helped me through it all. I'm glad he is here to help me because I was so tired of doing it alone. And I know Edwin isn't going to help me because he doesn't even care.

"The record producer!" I yell while pointing at him. I get excited because I actually remember this one. I can never get that one and I don't understand why. It's actually really simple.

"Yes!" He says getting excited, "Good job!"

I smile, "It's about damn time I actually got that one. I thought I would never get it."

"I knew you would," he says. He flips to the next card and asks, "Okay, what does MP stand for?"

"Easy. Mezzo piano," I say confident.

He nods his head, "What is bitonality?"

"Modern music in two different keys," I say.

"Yup," he says, "What is decrescendo?"

"To gradually get softer," I say.

He smiles and holds out the index cards for me to take, "You are done."

"I am?" I ask surprised. I thought I had way more to actually do.

"Yes," he says, "Do you want to go over them again?"

I sigh and I sit back in my chair, "No. I'm done for the day. I'm so tired."

He smiles and then stands up. He starts to gather some of my things up into separate piles. I just watch him as he does it. He's so perfect. Like seriously I never noticed him this way until that one morning.

The front door opens and my thoughts of how sexy Nick is are interrupted. "Hey whores!"

I look over to see Edwin walking in with Taco Bell, "I got food."

"Yay!" I say getting excited and standing up from the table, "This is the only reason you are able to be my friend."

He sets the food down, "Rude ass. Now I'm eating all of yours."

I snatch the bag from him, "You thought." I open the bag and I see my food, but nobody else's. Why am I the only one with food? "Aren't you guys eating?"

"We are actually going out tonight," Edwin says while glancing at Nick a few times. "We will be back soon."

"Oh," I say while putting the bag down, "Well have fun then." I grab my tacos out and I sit back down at the table. Nick goes to his room and I start to eat my soft taco. "So where are you guys going?"

"You know, the usual, just hanging out at the bar. We are just going to get food there," Edwin says.

I put on a fake ass smile. These bitches really do be lying to me about all of this shit. I know exactly where the hell they are going. They are going to wherever they go to meet their stupid ass gang.

"Sounds like fun," I say while taking another bite. I also love how Edwin had to buy me food, so I wouldn't want to go out with them. Dick.

"Im ready," Nick says while walking out of his bedroom. He grabs his phone from the counter and stands next to Edwin, "I won't be long and we can study again, if you want?"

"That's alright," I say, "I think I'm just going to go to bed early tonight anyways. I'll see you in the morning."

He puts on his coat and smiles, "Okay, I will see you tomorrow morning then. Goodnight."

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