the boy

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Most mornings I wake up to my stupid ass sister yelling at me. She always tells me to wake up or I'm not going to be successful in life. That was honestly the dumbest shit she's ever said. I guess that's Ashley for you. It's nice to not wake up to that, but instead to an alarm clock like a regular person does.

I put on a bra and a sweatshirt and then I throw my hair into a messy bun before I walk out of my room. Usually I would just walk out of my room with no bra on and my hair a complete mess, but Nick is here and I know how he is. He would probably just make fun of me for having big boobs or he would tell me my hair is messier than my fucked up life.

When I go to the living room that is connected to the kitchen I don't even see Nick there. He is most likely still sleeping. Lazy ass....No Addison. Don't be mean. Just because he is a dick doesn't mean you need to be, but if he says something to me I'll fuck him up.

I turn the coffee maker on and it starts to brew some coffee. I have to have coffee every single morning or else I won't be able to function at all. That's just how I've always been. I grab my laptop that has been sitting on the island all night long. That was pretty dumb. I need to put a lock on this thing.

Going to my emails I see that my first class starts at eight in the morning. I'm kinda nervous for today. I have no clue what to expect when I get there. I don't know anyone there, so it's going to be pretty scary, but there is nothing to do about it. Hopefully I can meet some new people.

My thoughts are interrupted by Nick, "Hey," he says walking out of his room with no shirt on. I roll my eyes and I get off of the barstool to grab my coffee. "Are you making coffee?"

"Yea, it just finished," I say while pouring the coffee into my glass mug that I brought. My mom made it for me when I was about ten. It's an owl holding a heart. It's really cute and it's something I've always kept with me. "I'm going to go get ready now."

I leave the kitchen and I go straight to my bedroom. This whole thing is going to be more awkward than I thought. I mean, what the hell do I say to him?

Oh hey, you are the guy that has hated me for years and always made me want to kill myself? But it's okay now, let's be friends?

Hell no. The shit he did to me isn't something to just forget about. He was so awful. Him and his stupid ass friends. They are all lucky I never told my mom or she would have had them all expelled faster than a cheetah can run.

I lay back on my bed and I start to remember all the stupid shit they said and did.

"Addison! Don't go to your locker," Lina says. This was when we still were best friends. She didn't ditch me yet.

"Why?" I ask confused. What did they do to my locker now? Is exactly what I thought in that moment. I knew it was them.

"Just don't," she says. She looked so worried while we waited in the lunch line.

I walk away from her and I go straight to my locker. I know she told me not to, but I needed to see what she was talking about.

I quickly walk down all of the hallways until I get to the end, where my locker is. There is red spray paint everywhere and pictures of wrists cut. These are my wrists. How they hell did they get these?

"How are those wrists of yours?" Myles asks with a huge ass smirk on his face. I turn around to see tons of people crowding me now. Tears roll down my face and I push past them all to leave.

Nick grabs my wrist which hurts like hell because of the cuts. "Let me go!" I yell. I push him off of me and I storm out of the building.

I don't even want to know what he was going to say to me in that moment. I don't even know if he was ever a part of that whole scheme.

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