addison rose miller

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"Thank you very much. Have a nice day," I hand the lady her bag and she walks away.

"I just want to go home," Leah says while sorting through a bag of clothes.

I chuckle, "Me too. I don't know why we can't just close down. Nobody is actually here."

"Well someone is here now." I look up to see Nick. I smile and I lean against the front counter.

"What are you doing here?" I ask.

"I'm not aloud to visit you at work?"

"Well of course you can," I say.

He smirks and then puts a bag on top of the counter, "I brought you guys food. Leah, I don't know what you like, so I just guessed."

"Thank you," she says.

I open the bag and inside is some food for Leah and my usual at Chick-Fil-A. I take it all out and Leah and I start to eat.

"How much longer until you close?" He asks.

"We have about fifteen more minutes," I say.

Nick groans, "That's so long."

"It's literally not long at all," I say. "You are just a big baby."

"Well I'm bored at home and I miss bothering your ass," he says.

I roll my eyes and I take a bite of my sandwich, "You need to find a job before you go insane at home by yourself."

"I am fine," he says.

My phone dings in my back pocket, so I pull it out. I look to see an email from the school.

I quickly look up at Nick and he looks really confused, "What's wrong?"

"It's from the school," I say quietly.

"Test results?"

"Probably," I say.

"Open it," he says.

"Hell no," I say. "I'll do it once we are home. I'm not doing it here."

"Can't you just shut down early today?"

I chuckle and I start to fold some clothes up that are on the rack that is behind the desk, "I wish I could, but I would get fired. We only have ten minutes."

He rolls his eyes, "Still too long."

"Well why don't you make yourself useful and help me fold some clothes?"

"That's too much work," he says.

"I actually hate your ass."

He laughs, "No, you don't. You love me more than anything on this earth."

"Yea, yea. Shut up and help me fold, big head."

He helps me fold up the clothes while Leah stays at the front desk. It's a good thing she is up there because she likes to talk to people more than I do. I'm not a very social person.

"So do you think it's good or bad news?"

I shrug my shoulders, "I'm obviously hoping it's good news, but what if it's not? It could just as easily be bad news."

"And if it is bad news then we will figure it out," he says, "We always do."

I smile when he says that. I love how he always says 'we' will figure it out. It's not just an 'I' situation. He makes sure that I know that we are in this together and that's something I love about him. No matter what happens I'll always have him by my side.

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