A/N- im back

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heyyyy guys, so i haven't been writing much bc i've been trying to figure out what to do with the whole situation. i took a break from my instagram and i decided to come back today and address my thinking.

i'm lazy asf and i didn't want to rewrite something for here, so i just copy and pasted what i wrote on my insta. so down below is what i posted on my instagram a bit ago.


heyyy loves...i'm back. i want to explain what i've been thinking about though. i've been on break for almost a week now and i definitely missed you all, but it was worth it and i needed the break greatly. this whole situation obviously hasn't been easy for any of us. how can you believe that they did this? how does it seem real? i've been struggling so much on what to say, but i have it figured out now. the boys have been my entire world for over a year now. they are the reason i'm alive, the reason i put a smile on my face everyday, the reason i realized my self worth. idk where i would be without them. they are my life. my everything. therefore i'm choosing to stay. i'm not leaving the fandom. i know leaving just isn't what i need to do. i'm still going to support ALL 5 boys. if what edwin did is true then i forgive him. everyone should be forgiven. and i know you should always believe the victim, but do you guys know how many fake accusations there are against tons of celebrities? how do we know this isn't fake too? there is always two sides of the story. idk what to believe, i really don't. and i feel for the girl. i've been there, so don't call me a disgusting person for staying. it's my decision and if you want to leave then i respect that. but everyone else should respect others decisions too. i mean no hate to anyone. all i ever want to do is spread love and positivity. i respect every single of your decisions. if you have to leave then that's okay. do what is best for you. if you stay then that's okay. if you don't know what to do that's okay too. i didn't know what to do for a whole ass week. at the beginning i thought i was going to leave. i was going to deactivate and NEVER come back, but after thinking about it long and hard i knew that staying is what i need. i can't just throw away everything that i've worked for. everything that the boys have worked for. it's too important to me. it hits too close to home for me to quit now. so anyways i know i'm going to get a lot of hate. i know i'm going to lose followers and that's okay. just know that i love every single one of you and i'm always here. so in that case i'm officially back. much love to all🥺

soooo therefore i'm back for good and i'm not leaving. i'm staying. thank you all for your patience and all the love. i really appreciate it all.

the next part of this story should be out today or tomorrow. thank you again !

much love🥺


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