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The first day of school wasn't that bad. It was just really boring and we went over tons of rules. I only had two classes on the first day which made it even better.

I throw my bag down on my bed and I pull out my laptop. I go to the settings on it and I quickly put a lock on the thing. Now Nick can't get into it anymore.

Speaking of Nick, I look down to see that I'm still wearing his sweatshirt. I should take it off and go give it back to him. Even though it's really comfortable and I kinda want to keep it, I know that I can't.

I take the hoodie off and I walk to Nick's room with it in my hand. I knock on the door three times and he yells, "Come in!"

I open the door and I see him laying on his bed with a notebook in his hand. I wonder what he is doing in the notebook? Is he drawing? I didn't know that he could draw. Or maybe he is just doing homework? Who knows.

"Uh, I was just bringing this back," I wave the hoodie up a bit, so he can see what I'm actually talking about.

"Oh, uh just lay it down on the desk." He points at the desk to my right. I walk to it and I lay the sweatshirt neatly on the top of the desk. His room is surprisingly clean. I thought that he would be the type of person to have his room be a mess all the time.

"Uh, thanks for letting me borrow it," I say.

"Yea, it's not a problem. Just remember to wear a coat next time."

"And you aren't my dad," I say with some sass. I don't know why, but everything he says triggers me. I just want to punch the hell out of him.

He rolls his eyes, "Well you should be happy that I gave you the hoodie or you would have froze to death. You just don't want my help."

"You are right!" I yell, "I don't want help from someone like you!"

"What's that supposed to mean?" At this point his notebook is laying on the other side of his bed and he looks like he is about to hop off of his bed. "I didn't do anything to you!"

I laugh, "You didn't do anything to me? Do you not remember everything that happened in high school?"

"That was years ago," he admits, "Why can't you just let that shit go?"

"Because you made my life hell. I had depression because of you. You gave me anxiety and I had panic attacks every night. You made me want to kill myself. I almost did kill myself multiple times, but you didn't care."

He doesn't say anything. The only thing he can do is stare at me. It looks like he has sorrow in his eyes, but I know that is just fake shit. He never cared and he never will. He hasn't changed at all.

"Yo, Nick! Do you have your brownies in your room!" I hear someone yell from the living room area. Who is here now?

"Addison, please can we just talk about everything that happened?" He says quickly.

"There is nothing to talk about," I say. The tears sit on the edge of my eyes, but I refuse to let them fall down my cheeks. He isn't worth crying over. Especially in front of him. "I'm going to my room."

I start to walk out of his room until I'm met face to face with a guy. Purple hair. Edwin?

"What are you doing here?" I ask confused. "How'd you get in here?"

"How do you guys know each other?" Nick asks.

"We met today in class," Edwin says, "This girl is what I call my personal badass."

I chuckle, "And you are what I call a very weird small person." He is very short. Honestly one of the shortest people I've ever met. Boy needs to grow a few inches.

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