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(Addison's pov)

"Just do it," Izzy yells at me for the one hundredth time.

I roll my eyes and my phone starts ringing. I see it's Edwin. Isn't he supposed to be at work?

"Hello?" I say.

"You guys need to come to the hospital as soon as you can," he says out of breathe.

"Why? What happened?"

"It's Nick."

Right when he says that I feel my stomach drop to the floor. "Is he okay? What happened?"

"Hardin came back like he said he would. He had other guys with him and they beat Nick and I the hell up. I'm not that bad, but Nick is very beat up. The paramedics should be here any second now."

"How bad is it?" I ask as I quickly put my shoes on. I grab my purse and I start to head down the stairs.

Izzy follows me, "What's going on, Addison?"

"I don't know. He couldn't breathe and his face is super bad. He should be fine as long as they get his breathing under control."

I tilt the phone away from my ear and I look at Izzy, "Get the boys and meet me at the hospital. I don't have time to wait on you all. I'll explain there." She nods her head and runs back up the stairs.

Putting the phone back on my ear I say, "I'm on my way now."


I hang up the phone and I run out the door to my car. I get in and I drive away to the hospital.

Of course Hardin came back. I knew he would do this bullshit. And of course Nick is the one that gets hurt because of it. He doesn't deserve this shit. I was supposed to be at work today. It should have been me, not Nick.

As I pull into the hospital, I park my car super fast and I get out. I sprint into the hospital. Right when I'm inside I see Edwin standing by the chairs.

I run over to him, "Where is he?" I ask out of breathe, "Is he okay?"

"He's back in his room now," he says. "We can go back there now if we want to."

"Okay," I say. "But are you okay?" I touch the dry blood on his lip.

"I'm fine," he says. "I didn't get it as bad as him. Just a little bit of blood."

"Good," I say.

He smiles, "Lets go." Edwin starts to walk down the halls and I follow him. I'm sure he has already been with him.

We get to the end of the hall and he stops in front of the door. "He is in there. I'll wait out here. I already saw him."

"Okay, thank you."

He steps away from the door and I open it, going inside. I shut it behind me and I turn around to see Nick laying there on his hospital bed.

As soon as I see him I start to cry. He is in here because of me and that makes me feel so bad.

"Mamas," he chuckles, "Why are you crying?"

I look up at him again and I step closer to his bed, "Because you you are in here because of me."

"Ma, come here," he scoots over in his bed and I lay down next to him, careful not to make anything worse.

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