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"I just don't understand what the big deal is," I yell, "Why can't you just tell me who she is!"

"Because she doesn't matter," Nick yells back.

It's been hours since Edwin came over to tell Nick about Sasha. I have been trying to get it out of them, but neither of them will tell me who the fuck she is.

"You know, I'm part of the fucking gang too! I should have the right to know!"

There is a small knock on the door and I groan. Of course Hardin is here. What great timing, "Well now you have to leave, so you can't find out," Nick says.

"Fuck you, Mara." I open up the front door and Hardin is standing there. He looks so cute in just sweatpants and a plain old t shirt.

"Hey, you ready?" He asks.

"Yes, just let me grab my phone," I say.

I walk back into the living room area and I grab my phone from the couch. I glare at Nick and he chuckles, "Have fun with your little boy toy."

"Not my boy toy," I say quietly, "He's my boyfriend, you dick."

"Whatever," he says, "Have fun."

"Asshole." I turn around and I walk back to the door, "I'm ready."

"Perfect," he says. We walk out together and we go downstairs. Once we are downstairs in the main lobby he grabs onto my hand and I smile. "You look cute."

I laugh as we get into his car, "I'm wearing sweats and a sweatshirt."

"Still cute," he says, "But do you know what would make you even cuter?"

"What would that be?" I ask as he drives off.

"You in my sweatshirt."

I smirk, "Mhmm, I might have to just try that out then."

"I'd definitely be cool with that," he says.

I chuckle, "So how far away is your place from mine?"

"About ten minutes," he says, "It's really not that bad."

"So is your house really big?"

He chuckles, "Look how excited you are getting over a house."

"Well I live in a tiny apartment and you have a big house," I say, "Of course I'm excited to see what it looks like."

"It's kinda big," he says, "I live with five other guys, so it's a decent size."

"You know I haven't met any of them yet."

"You'll get to meet them tonight," he says, "They should all be home."

"What are their names again?"

He smiles, "There is Lance, Bobby, Bryce, Chase, and Austin."

"I'm excited to meet them."

"You'll love them. They are a bit crazy, but I'm sure you are used to that since you are best friends with Nick and Edwin."

I laugh, "You got that right. I swear the two of them make my life very interesting."

"It sure seems like it," he says, "I'm glad that you have really good friends like them."

I smile and I think about the two idiots. We may fight sometimes or disagree on everything, but I still love them both, "Me too."

Hardin turns into a one way street and he keeps driving until he ends up at the end of the road. There is a huge gate right in front of us.

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