day 1

427 12 3

"Oh, hey," Edwin says. "What are you doing here?"

"What am I doing here?" I whisper yell. "I'm on my fucking date. What the hell are you two doing here?"

"We just came for some food," Nick says.

"Here?" I ask. "This place is super expensive and you are both broke. You guys are lying. You guys followed us."

"What? No we didn't," Edwin says.

"I hate both of you," I say. "Why would you follow us?"

"Maybe because we don't trust this guy at all," Nick yells back at me. I can't believe the two of them right now. They actually followed me and had to spy on me with my date.

I'm fucking pissed.

"Are you kidding me?" I yell. "Hardin is super nice and neither of you know anything about him."

"Addison, calm down," Edwin says. "We are just trying to look after you."

"Well maybe the two of you should take care of yourselves!" I yell. "I don't need a fucking babysitter. I'm not three years old."

"Why are you getting so mad?" Nick says. "We are doing you a favor."

I laugh lightly. He's so unbelievable, "A favor? You are such a fucking asshole, Nick."

"What's going on?" I turn around and I see Hardin standing there. Of course he has to be here. Damn.

"Nothing," I say. "It doesn't even matter. Let's just go." I grab onto Hardin's hand and we walk out of the restaurant together. We get in his car and he starts to drive away.

"Is everything okay?"

I smile lightly at him. I can't be mad at Hardin just because of those assholes. "Yes, it's all good. Nick and Edwin are just stupid."

He chuckles lightly, "It's funny how they ended up at the same restaurant as us. Did you tell them?"

Oh innocent Hardin. They did it all on purpose. I so want to kill both of them right now, "Nope, I didn't say anything. They just ended up there."

"Wow, that's funny."

I smile very lightly and I nod my head. Honestly I might kill the both of them if they come back to the apartment.

"I had fun tonight," Hardin says as he pulls up to my apartment complex.

"I did too," I say. "Thank you for everything."

"Of course. I can't wait for next time. I'll see you tomorrow," he says.

I smile and I grab my purse, "See you tomorrow, Hardin."

I get out of the car and I walk up to the room. I unlock the door and I don't see anyone. They are both probably still on their way.

Honestly I can't believe that the two of them followed me. They are actually unbelievable and I'm so pissed off at them. They had no right to follow us and get up in my business. They are both dickheads and I'm so over it.

I go to the fridge and I pull out a water bottle. I start to drink it and then I start to go through some mail that is sitting on the island.

Most of it is junk. Well except one letter that has my name on it. It's from my dads work business. Why the hell is he sending me something?

I open the envelope and I pull out the letter. I start to read it:

Miss Addison,

We were informed that you moved from New Jersey, such a shame. We were hoping to see you and your siblings at the annual dinner. It's next Friday at 7 pm. We understand if you can't make it due to being farther away. Your father would really appreciate it though.

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