my life is over

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⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️GRAPIC BELOW!!!!⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️

I think I've been here for hours. I really don't know. There is no clock and I don't have my watch on me. I have no absolute clue what time it is or how long I've been here. I'm guessing it's been awhile. I've been asleep for what seems like eternity.

I don't even know where I am. There is no windows and it's super dark. The only way out is the door. I don't know where it leads to and I can't find out either since I'm chained up to a chair.

The only thing I'm hoping for though is that Nick and the others are okay. I hope that they were let go and they are home.

Part of me hopes that they are looking for me, but the other part of me hopes that they just forget about my existence. They would be better off without me. All I ever do is cause pain and damage to them all. They would have such a better life.

I doubt they stop looking for me though. I know how Nick is. He is in love with me and he's not going to stop until he finds me.

That's unless I die.

(Nick's pov)

"No," Zion yells. "There is no absolute use."

"There is!" I yell back. "The use is we might be able to get out and get Addison back!"

"We have been trying for hours," Izzy says.

"Can't we just take a break?" Edwin asks.

I roll my eyes, "Whatever. You can all take a break, but I'm not." I quickly start pulling on my chains again. This is all I've been doing for hours straight. It's the only thing I'm able to do. Eventually the chains will give out and I'll be able to get lose, but it's taking longer than I expected.

"Nick," Izzy says as I keep pulling, "You need to take a break. You are going to break your wrists."

"I don't care!" I yell.

"I'm just trying to help," she says. "Addison wouldn't want you to be stupid and break both of your wrists."

"Well I don't want Addison to be with those bastards any longer."

"You don't even know where she is," Zion says. "What is your genius plan? How are you going to find her?"

"I don't know," I say back. "I'm taking one step at a time and right now I need out of these chains!"

"You'll never get out with broken wrists," Austin says. "You need to take a break."

"I!" I pull super hard. "Can't!" I pull even harder, "Do!" Harder, "That!"

And as I say the last word both of my chains break free from my wrists. I bring them in front of me to see them both black and blue with blood everywhere. Damn, the shit I would do for this girl.

"It worked," Edwin says.

"What did?"

"We knew if we pissed you off enough that you would eventually break free," Izzy says. "We aren't stupid."

They are right. The more you piss me off the more mad I get. I stand up from the ground and I walk over to the table that they have set up. Laying there is a pair of keys. They would be stupid enough to leave these laying around.

"Keys," I says holding them up.

"Stupid asses," Zion says.

I walk over to Izzy and I unlock her chains first. She moves her wrists around and then stands up from the ground. I then unlock everyone else's and they all stand up too.

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