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Going out with Nick last night was surprisingly amazing. I didn't think it would be the way it was. I really thought it would be awkward or I thought we would just end up getting in a fight like usual. But I was completely wrong.

I was so comfortable with him and I felt like he has been my best friend for years and years. Everything with him just felt so natural and normal.

"Addison!" I hear from the kitchen. I roll out of bed and I open the door.

I stand in the doorway of my room and I see Edwin sitting on the couch, "He really shouldn't have gave you a key." I walk to the counter and I look through a stack of mail Nick must have picked up. "What do you need now, Edwin?"

"You really don't appreciate me enough," he says while coming over to the island. He sets his elbows down and rests his face on his hands  and just stares at me with a smirk on his face, "How was your little date last night?"

I roll my eyes and I put all of my mail into a separate pile. I grab my coffee cup and I start to make some coffee, "Oh I see. Now I am getting the silent treatment?" He asks.

"If you weren't so stupid I wouldn't have to give you the silent treatment."

He gasps, "I'm not being stupid. I am just being completely reasonable with you and trying to start a conversation."

I turn around so I can look at him and I put my hand on my hip, "It was not a date at all. It was simply two friends hanging out and trying to get to know each other."

"So nothing happened?"

I roll my eyes once again. My eyes really are going to get stuck in the back of my head one of these days, "No, Edwin. Nothing happened at all."

"I'm going to have this same conversation with Nick and I can't wait to see what he says," he says as he skips off to the couch again.

"I don't understand you sometimes," I say pouring the coffee into my cup and taking a sip. "Why can't you just stay out of shit?"

"Because, Addison, it's my job as your best friend to annoy you and make sure you aren't doing something stupid."

"You are the stupid one of the friendship."

He rolls his eyes and I laugh lightly. I start to walk to my bedroom and once I pass the couch I turn around, "Don't roll your eyes too much. You'll lose them in the back of your head."

"Shut the hell up! You are the queen of rolling your damn eyes." When he says that I start laughing and I walk into my room, shutting the door.


"I'm going to go to the library," I yell from the kitchen, "I'll be back soon."

"Wait! Wait!" I hear from Nick's room. I stop at the front door and I turn around as he runs out of his room.

"What's up?" I ask.

"Can I come? I can help you study? I need to look for a book for a class anyways."

I smile, "Yea, sure. That's fine with me."

"Give me a second." He runs off to his room and I set my bag down on the floor as I wait for him. Nick always takes so long to get ready. He most likely takes longer than me to get ready everyday. I wonder what he does that takes him so long. No wonder he always looks so damn good all the time.

Wait. No. I'm not saying that shit.

"Okay, I'm ready." Nick snaps me out of my thought when I see him standing in front of me with his book bag on his back. "We can leave now."

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