he's gone

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[5 months later]

Ashton is perfect. He looks just like me. Dark hair and deep brown eyes. His nose is super small and I think it's adorable.

"Nick! Nick! Come here!"

"Ma! I can't," he yells back. Nick is working on putting this mirror thing up in front of Ashton's bed. He loves looking at himself.

"Please, baby! It's super cute!"

"Give me a second."

As I wait for Nick I grab out my phone and I take a picture of Ashton fast asleep in our bed.

[The image]

"Aw," I hear behind me

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"Aw," I hear behind me. I turn around to see Nick standing behind me. "He looks so cute laying there."

"I know," I say. "He looks so big."

Nick walks to the bed and sits down next to Ashton, "I can't believe it's been five months now. I feel like just yesterday you were giving birth."

I stand in front of Nick and he wraps his hands around my waist, "Time flies when you're having fun."

"Sometimes I feel like it doesn't go by very fast," he chuckles. "Especially when Ashton has us up at four in the morning."

"The joys of being parents."

He looks down at Ashton and then back up at me, "It's all worth it though. I wouldn't trade this life for anything."

"Me either," I smile.

He stands up from the bed and pecks my pink lips, "I better get back to putting the mirror up. I'm almost done."



"I can't believe he's leaving tomorrow," I say as I watch Elom jump in the pool. "He just seems too young to go off into the world alone."

Elom is moving out tomorrow. He bought a house with his girlfriend. They seem really happy and it's what they want and what they need. I'm happy for them, but I'm going to miss having them here.

"He has Becca," Izzy reminds me. "And he's not going very far."

"I know," I say. "It's still hard though. He has always been the baby out of all of us. It's like our little brother is leaving."

"Good thing is we can just walk to his house and still annoy the hell out of him," Maggie says.

"I'm so down to do that every night," I chuckle.

"It'll be all of us soon," Ansley says. "Sooner or later we will all move out of here and start our own families."

"I'm not ready for that," Izzy says. "Can you imagine me having to live alone with Edwin? I would kill him in seconds."

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