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"I already talked to her Edwin," I say while putting my dirty laundry in the washer. Edwin is currently sitting on our dryer and trying to figure out ways for me to not have to retake the test. He's an idiot. I have to retake it.

"There has to be some mistake," he says. "They probably miscalculated it or they mixed yours up with someone else."

"Ed, I appreciate you trying to help me, but she already double checked. My score is the right score."

"I could go talk to her," he says. "Nick is hot and single. I'll just bring him with me and maybe she'll let you pass if Nick you know..."

"Edwin Joel!" I yell. I throw a sock at him, "You are one bad person. I'm not having Nick sleep with our teacher, so I can pass."

"Wait! What am I doing?" I hear Nick yell from the living room.

"You have to sleep with our teacher! She might let Addison pass."

"No," I yell.

"Aw, why is Addi getting so upset about it, huh?" Edwin asks with a huge smirk plastered on his face.

I roll my eyes. He always thinks that everything is about me liking Nick. I don't know how many times I have to tell him that I don't like Nick. "I just don't want to get in trouble because of you dumb hoes."

"We aren't dumb hoes." I jump a little because Nick is now right behind me and I didn't know that. They both start laughing, but I turn around and I whip him with my sock.

"Yes you guys are," I say. "You guys aren't sleeping with our teacher."

"Fine," Edwin says. "I'm just trying to help."

"I know," I say. "But find other ways to help."

"Yea yea," he says. "I have to go, but I'll be back later to help you get ready for tonight."

Nick leans against the washer, "What's tonight?"

"Her date," Edwin says getting all excited.

"You have a date? With who?"

"Hardin," I say while putting more clothes in the washer.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asks.

"I don't know," I say. "I just thought you wouldn't care and you have a lot of other shit going on."

"Of course I would have cared. Who even is this guy?" He asks. I can tell he is getting mad now, but I still don't understand why. Like shut the fuck up.

"Well I'm going to go now before Nick kills someone," Edwin says. "See you guys tonight."

"Bye," I yell as he leaves the room. Nick doesn't say anything to Edwin though.

"So who is he?"

I roll my eyes and I shut the washer door. I grab my basket of dry clothes and I take them to my room. I can feel Nick follow me there the whole time. He is so damn annoying.

I start to fold my clothes and he stands next to me and starts to help me. Wow, I can't believe he's helping me. I thought he was ready to rip my head off or punch a wall.

"Are you really not going to tell me who he is?"

"He's just someone from my classes, Nick. I don't understand why it matters so much."

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