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I wake up in the morning to Nick's arms still tight around me. I look up at him and he is fast asleep still. I don't want to move, but I have to pee so bad. Not going to lie I would rather lay here forever with him, but I guess that can't happen. I get out of his grip without him waking up. I go to the bathroom and I notice that the bandage on my head has quite a bit of blood on it. There definitely shouldn't be that much blood still.

I take the bandages off of my head and I notice that my head isn't actually bleeding anymore. Which is a very good thing. If it were still bleeding I would probably have to go to the doctors. I throw the bandages away and I do my business.

When I walk out of the bathroom Nick is sitting up on the bed. I would be lying if I said he didn't look good. His hair is a mess and his eyes are half shut. He just looks so good.

"Hey," I say while walking back over to the bed. I lay down on the bed and he turns around to look at me.

"Hi, how is your head?" He moves some of my hair out of the way and touches the cut lightly. "Does it hurt?"

I nod my head and he moves his hand away quickly. It's almost like he was too scared to keep his hand there which is weird.

"Maybe I should take you to the hospital."

"But you can't do that because they would ask questions and find out about the gang. I'm okay. I'm just going to take lots of drugs," I say.

He chuckles and stands up from the bed. " If you aren't better by tomorrow I'm taking you. We can just make something up."

"Yes, dad."

He rolls his eyes, "Do you want to meet everyone?"

I smile, "Really?"

"I mean why not? You will probably see them quite a bit," he says. "They would all love to hang out with you."

"Well I would love to meet them all," I say. I stand up from the bed slowly and Nick throws some of his clothes in the hamper. Once I'm up we walk downstairs together at a slow pace. I can't walk very fast at the moment.

As we are walking down the stairs I can hear everyone talking and it sounds like everyone is having a good time. I stop in the middle of the stairs, "Are you sure you want me to meet them? I can just go back home."

He smiles, "I want you to meet them, but it's only if you are comfortable."

"I'm fine. I just don't want to make this weird for you. They probably hate me for finding out."

"They don't hate you," he says. "I'm going to talk to them and tell them that we can trust you."

I nod my head lightly and we start to walk down the steps again. Once we are at the bottom we turn the corner and everyone looks at us.

"Everyone please listen," Nick says. It gets dead silent and that kinda surprises me. I didn't think anyone would even care to listen to us. "This is Addison. She is a good friend of mine and Edwin's. She now knows about us, but we can trust her. She is very genuine and she doesn't want to hurt any of us in any way, so please be welcoming to her because she will probably be around quite a bit."

I smile as Nick says all of this. It's really sweet of him to talk to everyone about it. I just don't want to make anyone mad or upset. That's the least I want to do.

A few people start to walk over to us as everyone else starts talking again. I wonder if all of them will even talk to me. I bet some of them don't.

"Hi," the dread head says while shaking my hand, "I'm Zion. We talked last night, but you probably don't remember."

I smile, "Yea, I remember a little bit. You found me, right?"

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