we meet again

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"I don't know what to do," I say. "I can't bring anyone with me or else he will do some bullshit."

"You can't just go alone," Maggie says. "Are you out of your mind?"

"What do you want me to do?" I ask. "This is my child we are talking about. Am I supposed to just leave him?"

"You are supposed to be smarter than this," Izzy says. "You could get yourself killed."

"And if I don't do this then I could get my baby killed. I can't just not show."

"Then you're telling Nick," Ansley says. "If you don't tell him then we will."

"I can't just tell him," I say. "He will call the police and get them involved. Hardin specifically said not to bring anyone. I can't let anything happen to Ashton."

"You have to tell him," Izzy says. "We aren't going to let you go out on a suicide mission. You know who Hardin is and he will do some crazy shit to you."

"Telling Nick isn't what I need to do," I say.

"Then we will tell him," Maggie says. "We aren't playing this bullshit with you."

"Fine," I say. I stand up from Maggie's bed. "I will tell him."

"You better," Ansley yells as I walk out of Maggie's room.

I walk downstairs and to the kitchen. I grab out a glass. I put it down and I start to breathe super heavily.

I can't stand this bullshit. I'm so sick and tired of all of this constant drama and hurt in my life. All I've ever wanted was for life to be okay and for us to be happy, but that's never the case. It's always fucked up for us.

I quickly pick up the glass and I throw it at the wall. It shatters into millions of pieces and I break down into tears.


Looking over at the door I see Edwin standing there. He runs over to me and wraps me in his small arms. I start to fall to the ground and he goes down with me as I continue to cry everything out.

"It's okay," he says. "It's okay."

"It's n-not!"

"I know, I know," he starts to rub my back and I hold onto his shirt so tightly. "Sh, sh."

"W-we aren't ever g-going t-to get him b-back."

"You will. You can't think like that," he says. I continue to cry and he sighs, "Do you want me to get Nick?"

"He's sleeping," I cry.

"He won't care," he says. "I will go get him if you want me to."

"N-no. It's okay."

"Okay, okay," he continues to rub my back until I fall asleep in his arms.


(Nick's pov)

I wake up and I look at the clock. It's almost eight at night. Addison isn't in the room, so I'm assuming she woke early and is downstairs.

I walk out of our room and I instantly run into Izzy, "Oh, hey. Sorry."

"It's good," she says.

"Uh, do you know where Addison is?"

"No," she says. "She might be downstairs with Edwin. I know Edwin has been down there for awhile now."

"Okay, thank you," I say.

I start to walk away but she says, "So are you two good?"

Quickly, I turn around to look at her again, "Why wouldn't we be?"

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