don't go

429 13 9

"I'm home!" I yell as I shut the front door.

Nobody is in the kitchen or the living room. Edwin must have left and Nick is probably in his room. Hopefully he tells me about this Sasha girl. I mean he was crying when he called.

I walk to his bedroom and I lightly knock on his door. There is no answer.

"Nick," I say.

"Go away, Ads!" I put my hand on the knob and I try to turn it, but it's locked.

"No," I say. "Open the door!"

"Why? I'm fine and you are fine. There is nothing to talk about, so just leave."

"You are upset," I say.

"Why do you care?" He yells.

I roll my eyes. I hate how he gets when he is sad. He is either super sweet and just cries or he is a fucking dickhead.

"Because I'm your best friend, Nick, and I love you," I say. "Now open the door."

He doesn't say anything back, but I hear him moving around a bit. I stay quiet and I patiently wait for him to open the door.

I then hear the doorknob move and it slightly opens. I push the door open more and I walk in, closing the door behind me.

Nick sits back down on the edge of his bed and I stand next to the door. His eyes are all puffy red and his cheeks are stained with tears. It's so obvious he's been crying for hours.

I should have been here for him, but instead I was out being stupid with my boyfriend.

"Nick, talk to me."

"What do you want me to say?" He asks.

I walk over to him and I sit down next to him on his bed. I look at him, but he continues to look down at the floor. "Tell me why you are crying."

"I'm not," he says wiping his cheeks quickly.

"Nicholas, stop lying. It's so obvious that you have been crying," I say, "Just tell me what's going on."

He sighs, "It's Sasha."

"What about her?" I ask.

"She's my ex," he says.

"What happened?"

"I loved her, Addison. I loved her so much that it hurt, but she obviously didn't feel the same way towards me." He lets out a deep breath and I grab onto his hand. He holds onto it like his life depends on it, "She was in our gang. She is who you are basically replacing."

"Why'd she leave?"

"Because she was in another gang. She was getting our information and giving it to another gang. She played me the whole time. She told me that she loved me, but she didn't."

My mouth opens slightly as I think about the day he told me he didn't want to have a relationship unless he was for sure it would work.

I called it.

He's too scared to love because he got his heart broken into a million pieces in the past.

"So she basically was screwing over our gang?" I ask.

He nods his head, "And once the other gang got our information they came after us. They killed someone that meant so much to Zion and I."

"Who?" I whisper.

"He is Zion's little brother," he says, "He was Zion and I's best friend. We did everything with that kid. He was so funny and he always knew how to have fun."

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