the explanations

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(Addison's POV)

I wake up in the morning to a major headache. Very slowly I roll out of bed and I put on a pair of shorts. I go to the kitchen where we keep our ibuprofen and I take a few pills. Hopefully it goes away before classes start today.

Nick walks out of his room in a pair of red shorts with no shirt on. His shorts hang really low and I don't know why I've never realized how good he looks. His dark hair and his jawline is so damn sharp. His eyes are a deep brown and his nose is kinda big, but it's cute. His one eyebrow has a cut in it and it looks so good. That cut makes him look ten times better. Like damn.

Wait. Stop. Why am I like this? He doesn't matter to me. He may be fine as hell, but he is a damn dickhead.

"Good morning," he says while grabbing a mug from the counter. He sets it down and starts to pour some coffee. "Do you want some?"

"Uhm, sure," I say.

He grabs another cup from the counter and sets it down. I sit down on the island chair as he pours the coffee into another cup.

"Why are you up so early?" He asks while sliding me the glass of coffee, "You don't have classes yet."

"Not until ten, but I woke up early with a major headache," I say. Nick grabs his cup and he sits down next to me on the other island chair. I sigh and he looks over at me slightly.

"I'm going to make it all up to you," he says very quietly. It's almost like he didn't want me to hear it. That's how quiet it was. He's scared to talk to me. Or just nervous. "Please just give me a chance, Addison."

I look back down at my coffee and I take a big gulp of it. What do I do? Do I give him a chance? Maybe he did change. Everyone always deserves a second chance to me. I actually believe that everyone deserves a third chance because sometimes people fuck up the second one because they don't know what they want. That's something I've always gone by, but I was always too scared to let him back in. He treated me so awful.

I sigh and I look back at him, "I always said that everyone deserves two more chances after they fuck up the first time."

"Why two?" He asks confused. Most people don't even give second chances, but I give third chances? Of course he is confused about it. Most people would be.

"Because the first time you fuck up it's for a reason. Maybe because you hated me or you were just a dumb teen, but the second time is a way to try and fix it. The second chance is the way people try really hard, but they don't know how to because they are too nervous or they don't know how to treat people the proper way. The third chance is when you don't fuck it up because you have learned so much and you know what to do now. I give third chances for everything."

"Did your mom teach you that?" He asks. He sounds really interested in this right now. Maybe he is actually trying.

I smile a bit, "Actually she didn't. I taught myself after my breakup. I cheated on a guy because I was stupid and I didn't know what love was. He gave me a second chance though and I tried I really did, but I didn't know what I was doing. I didn't know what love was at that moment. I fucked it up by telling him that I didn't know what I wanted in that moment. If he would have stuck around and gave me that other chance then I guarantee you that we would have worked it out and we would have been together for a long time. That's why I believe in third chances."

He has a huge smile on his face, "That was honestly the most knowledgeable thing I've ever heard in my life." After he says that his smiles drops and he looks at his coffee. He is so nervous. "So does this mean...?"

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