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"No, I don't want to open it," I say. I'm literally shaking while holding the envelope. My entire class got our test results back. I don't want to open it because I'm so scared. I don't want to find out if I failed. "Just open yours."

"We have to open them together," Edwin says.

"Can we open them at home? I don't want to open it here," I say.

He groans, "Fine. I guess I'll wait on your slow ass. Just don't open without me." He starts to walk away to go to his next class.

"I won't." I look down at the envelope that's in my hands and I sigh. This could determine a lot of shit. If I failed I'll have to retake it and I'll be so behind. I don't want that. I shove it in my coat pocket and I start to walk to my next class.


I turn around and I see Nick walking towards me. I go to the side of the hallway, so people can actually get through and I wait for him.

"Hi," I say.

"Hey," he says, "I heard you got your test results back."

I smile lightly, "Yea we did."


I shrug my shoulders, "I haven't opened the damn thing yet."

"Why not?"

"Because bitch I'm too scared."

He laughs, "You don't need to be scared. You have to open it eventually."

"I know. I'm going to open it at home with Edwin. He hasn't opened his yet either."

"Okay, well I want to be there and I'll buy the alcohol for when we celebrate."

I start to walk away to go to my next class, "Sounds like a deal with me. Bye, loser."

"Bye, weirdo."

We both go our separate ways, so we can get to our next class. I only have one more class for the day which is nice. I think Edwin has three more, so I'm going to have to do something to keep my mind off of the test results.

I want to know what I got, but at the same time I'm super scared to find out. I'm so scared that I failed it. That means I have to retake that shit. Which sucks ass.

Walking into my next class I see Hardin sitting down next to the seat I always sit in. Not going to lie I didn't even know he was in this class either. I really need to start paying attention to things more.

I sit down in my seat, "Hi."

"Hey," he says, "I just wanted to let you know why I haven't contacted you yet."

I smile, "I was wondering if I was getting stood up or something."

"No, no. My phone broke the other day. I was walking home and I dropped it. Shattered into a ton of pieces. I'm working on getting a new one right now."

"It's okay. I completely understand," I say.

"Thanks for understanding," he says. I smile at him and he grabs his notebook from his bag, "I was actually uh wondering if you wanted to grab some coffee after class."

"I would love to," I say. It'll be nice to go out and do something. Then I don't have to wait on Edwin. I'll actually have something to do.

"Sounds great," he says.

Our professor starts class and I honestly don't pay attention at all. It's just so boring and I have other shit that I can think about. This class is so dumb to me. All we do is talk about dead music people. I don't see why I need to know about them to make my own music. It's very dumb to me.

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