cheating ?

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"Sasha had something on me," he says. "She told me that I had to fake my death or else she would expose what I was hiding."

"What the hell were you hiding?" Zion asks.

"I was selling drugs and it was getting really bad," Elom says. "I was getting in with the wrong type of people and I almost went to jail a few times. I even almost got killed twice."

"Why would you not tell us? We would have helped you." Zion asks.

"I don't know. I just didn't want anymore stress about it," he says.

"Wait," I say. "I'm confused. She made you fake your death because of drugs?"

"Kinda," Elom says. "She wanted me to die, but didn't have the balls to do it. She wanted Nick and Zion to feel pain and that's why she wanted to do it. She told me I had to fake it or else it would end bad for me and she would tell you guys about the drugs."

"Why wouldn't you just come clean?" Zion asks. "We would have helped."

"It's not that easy when you have tons of gangs after you," he says. "They all threatened me so much and I didn't want anything to happen to anyone in the gang."

"So you really did it for a good reason?" Zion asks. "You weren't trying to fuck us up?"

"Of course not. If I could go back and redo things, I would. I shouldn't have done it."

"Where did you go after the death?" I ask.

"I fled here to California. I couldn't take the chance of you guys seeing me, but I guess you got me."

"I don't get it," I say. "We watched you get shot."

"That's the beauty of some fake flood, makeup, and a cap that goes over your head to protect you. It's like a bullet proof vest for your head. I wore that and I was fine."

"Damn," Zion says. "I just can't believe you are alive."

"Well I am and I'm truly sorry for what I did. I'm sure it wasn't easy on any of you," Elom says.

"It wasn't at all," I say.

"But we are glad that you are back," Izzy says.

"Where have you been staying? Do you have an apartment?" Zion asks.

Elom starts laughing, "About that...I've been, uhm, living on the streets."

"Really?" Zion asks. "Why?"

"I didn't have money or a job," he says. "Drug dealing money doesn't get you that far."

"Well you can stay with us," I say. "We have plenty of room and I'm sure nobody will mind if you stay."

"You would let me?"

"Of course," Edwin says.

"You are family," I add.


It's been two hours now since we talked to Elom. He is already settled in to a room. He didn't have anything with him, so it was easy for him to move in.

It still blows my mind that he is alive. I never thought I would see that boy or hear that boy again, but here he is. In our house, living with us now. It's crazy, but I'm so grateful to see him again.

Addison has been gone for the past two hours. She is still out with her perfect little boyfriend. I really wish he wasn't a thing. I really wish I was the one that she loved that way, but I'm not. I'll never be the one she loves.

"I think we should ask him," Izzy says as she walks into the living room with Zion and Edwin. "It would be good for him. It would give him something to do."

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