promise me

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"Mamas, we are home," I hear. I sit up from Nick's lap and I look around to see that we are indeed home.

Nick opens the car door and he gets out. He holds out his hand to me and helps me get out of the car, "Thank you," I say.

"Of course, ma."

He takes my hand and then closes the door. "I will take you inside and then come back for your things."

"I can grab some," I say.

"No," he says. "You need to sleep."

I smile, "In your comfortable bed."

"Yes," he chuckles. "In my comfortable bed."

We start to walk to the house while everyone else grabs some of their things. They are mainly just grabbing Izzy's things because they didn't bring shit. Izzy and I packed the whole damn car. Well and my mom bought a bunch of shit for the baby that I had to take back home.

Once we are inside we start to walk up the stairs. The living room still looks and smells the same. It's all just like I remembered it. We go to Nick's room and he opens the door. I step inside and he turns the lights on.

His room looks the exact same as well. Except there is food and water bottles everywhere, clothes everywhere, and it doesn't smell too good. I can tell he was a mess.

"I'm sorry," he says as he walks to his bed. He throws all of his clothes onto the floor, "It's a huge mess and I didn't have time to clean it."

"Nick, you don't have to apologize to me," I say calmly. "I'm sorry for doing this to you."

"You didn't," he says.

"You didn't leave your room, did you?"

"No," he says. "But it's okay. I'm okay now that I have you back with me."

I grin lightly, "We really can't live without each other, huh?"

"Never in a million years," he says.

I step farther into his room and I go straight to his closet. I open the door and I grab out a new hoodie for me to wear. I've been wearing this same one for way too long. It doesn't smell like him anymore.

I take the old hoodie off. Right when I do that I can see Nick staring at me. I know he's not staring at my boobs or my body. He's simply staring at my beautiful baby bump.

"What?" I giggle.

He smiles, "Nothing. I was just thinking about how much it smells in here. We can sleep in your room."

"Mhm," I say because I know it wasn't just nothing. I put the hoodie on, "I still want to sleep in here. It still smells like you."

"Okay," he says. He grabs my favorite blankets and puts them on the bed, "Come lay down then."

I do as he says and I walk to his bed. I get under the blankets and he leans down to kiss my forehead, "I'll be back. I'm going to get your things."

I stop him by grabbing his hand, "That stuff can wait. Can you lay with me, please?"

He smiles, "Of course, ma." He gets under the blankets with me and wraps his arms around me as I lay my head on his chest where I can hear and feel his heart beating.

He gets out his phone and dims the lights with the app he has. It's pretty nice because he never has to get up to turn them off or on.

"I missed this so much," I say.

"Me too, ma."

We sit in comfortable silence for a couple minutes before I speak up again, "Nick. Can I tell you another reason on why I'm scared to keep him."

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