i don't believe u

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It's been about two weeks since Hardin has left and it absolutely sucks. I miss him like crazy and all I want to do is be with him. It really does suck.

Everything at the new building is all sorted out and all decorated. The place looks absolutely amazing. We work there all day long and then we have a night shift. We got some other people to work for us. None of us wanted to stay up all night long.

Elom has decided to join as well. Zion has gotten used to the fact that he will always belong in a gang. He doesn't really care now and is cool with Elom joining us.

Austin is coming soon as well. He is leaving New York in two days to come here. He is joining the small gang and living with us. I find it funny how Hardin's old roommate will now be my new roommate. I never really knew Nick and him were friends.

"We are heading out," Zion yells.

I walk downstairs to see Izzy and Zion by the door. They work at the building today. Usually not all of us work. As long as one person is there then we are good.

"See ya guys," I say.

Nick walks into the living room, "I'm going to tag along today. I have nothing better to do."

"Okay," Izzy says. "Just hurry up."

"I'm ready." He starts to put his shoes on and as he is putting his shoes on his phone starts ringing. He looks at it and his face turns as white as a ghost.

"You okay?" I ask.

He looks up at me, "Uh, yea. I'm fine." He turns his gaze to Zion and Izzy, "Just go without me. I have to take this."

Nick answers his phone and walks away from us. He goes into the kitchen and I look at Izzy. She looks just as confused as I am.

"Well, whatever," Izzy says. "We will see you guys later tonight."

"I'll bring dinner later," I say.

Zion's face lights up, "Can you please bring steak?"

I playfully roll my eyes, "I'll see what I can do, loser."

"Bye," Izzy says. They both walk out and Izzy shuts the door behind her.

I honestly have no clue what I'm going to do today. Edwin isn't home because he is back in New York visiting his family. Nick is going to the building after his phone call and Elom is out with his girlfriend. I literally have nothing to do.

(Nick's pov)

Once I saw who was calling me I legit felt my whole stomach drop. It is Austin. He texted me last night and said he had some news for me about Hardin. I have been freaking out ever since he texted me that last night.

"What's up?" I ask.

He sighs, "Not much. How are you?"

"Anxious as hell. What's going on? What's the news about Hardin?"

He hesitates before saying, "He is cheating."

"I'm going to kill that bastard! How do you know? What happened?"

"Well he has hickies on his neck like you said, but he now has them on his arm too. Those weren't there when he got home. They are now. He has also been sneaking out late at night almost every single night and he comes back a mess. His clothes are barley on, he has lipstick on his lips and hickies all over him. He also always smells like a girl. He always comes back late, so he has no clue I'm even watching, but I see everything."

I take the glass that's sitting right next to me and I throw it against the wall. It shatters into thousands of pieces.

"I'm coming to New York!"

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