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"Today we will be recording your first ever audition tape as a class. We start off as one big class and then you guys will eventually do solos." Right now I'm in the middle of class and we are starting a new project. If I'm being honest I would so much rather be in bed right now.

It's been about three days since Nick and I decided to be on good terms. We are doing really good and I'm happy that we are all good now.

"Pst," I hear to the right of me. I turn my head very slowly because I know it's just Edwin. He always sits to the right of me in class. Not sure why.

"Did you hear from Nick today?"

"What do you mean?" I ask, "I live with him, of course I heard from him, why?"

"He won't answer my calls and Rylie said that he wasn't in class," he says with a worried look on his face.

Who is Rylie? I don't think I've ever met her. Maybe it's Nick's girlfriend. We may be friends, but we don't tell each other everything yet.

"Who is Rylie?" I ask suspiciously. It's not my business, but I want to know. I've always been really nosy anyway.

"It's one of his friends," he whispers back. He has a huge ass grin on his face, "Don't worry, they are just friends. She is lesbian anyway."

"Oh well that's cool," I say trying to play it off like I don't care. Which I don't. Why should I care about Nick's love life? I don't care if he has a girlfriend or not. He is just a friend.

"You are so going to lose this damn bet," he says, "I don't know why you even bet me this."

I roll my eyes and I turn back to our teacher just a bit, "You are the one that is going to lose, so shut the fuck up."

"Somebody is getting a little hostile."

I punch his arm and he lightly laughs while holding his arm with his hand. I would totally beat him up right now if we weren't in class.

"Go fuck yourself," I say through gritted teeth.

"Maybe we should up it to 100 bucks," he says, "I bet you a hundred dollars that you guys will fall in love," he pauses again and right when I'm about to answer he says, "In four months."

I start laughing and our professor looks back at us. I knew that we would eventually get into some trouble.

"Edwin and Addison, see me after class."

I groan very quietly and Edwin just rolls his eyes. She better not give us a detention or anything. Can you even get detentions in Juilliard? Of course you can, but since this place is so high tech they will probably expel the two of us. Holy shit, what if we get expelled for talking? My parents would kill me.

The bell rings and everyone gets out of their seats. I sit there for a few seconds and then I start to put my shit away. Edwin waits on me and we both walk up to our professors desk.

She takes her glasses off and looks up at the two of us. She doesn't have a class right now, so we are the only ones here right now. We are going to be late for our next class though.

"The two of you seem to be best friends, am I right?" She asks.

"That's right," Edwin says so carelessly. It's like he doesn't even care right now, but I guess I do worry a lot more than I should.

"Well you guys keep disrupting class and that needs to stop," she says, "I'm going to give you this as a warning, but the next time I will cut you from this class." I knew this high tech shit would happen. God damn, we were just talking. And now we might get cut from a class? This shit mad dumb. "Do you both understand?"

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