part of it all

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I wake up in the morning and I close my eyes because the sun is so damn bright. I guess I forgot to close my curtains before I fell asleep last night. I roll out of bed and I grab my phone. I don't even check it because I don't care. I go to the kitchen and I start to make some coffee.

Once it's done I take my cup and I go to the couch. As I'm about to sit down I see Nick is fast asleep on the couch. He must have fell asleep watching the game. I wonder when Edwin actually left.

"Nick!" I say shaking him lightly. "Wake up!"

He jumps a little and then looks at me confused. I chuckle and he looks around. He is most likely confused on why he is in the living room.

"What?" He asks.

"It's almost noon," I say. "Do you have classes?"

He groans, "Well I did, but I guess not now."

I nod my head and I start to walk to my room again. I just want to be alone at this point.

"Where are you going?" I can feel him behind me following me to my room.

"My room," I say.

"Why?" He asks. I continue to walk until he stops in front of me and I can't keep on walking anymore. "What's up with you? Talk to me."

I shrug my shoulders and I bite my lip. If I don't bite my lip the tears will start to flow and I don't want that at all. "Nothing. I'm just really tired."

"Don't lie to me, Addison."

"I'm fine," I say.

He rolls his eyes, "Yea, okay. Then what was up with your little scene last night?"

"My little scene? Don't even, Nick." I look away from him and he grabs my face forcing me to look at him.

"What's wrong?"

I rip my face from his hands and I step back a little bit. "I said I'm fucking fine!" I walk past him. "Leave me the hell alone!" I slam the door and I can hear the picture frame on the other side of the wall fall. It definitely shattered into a million pieces. Fuck.

I stand by the door for about a minute. I take a deep breathe and I open it back up. Nick is already on the floor cleaning the mess up.

"Don't walk out here," he says. "You will cut yourself." I can tell he is very frustrated. Damn, I'm such a bitch. I shouldn't take it out on him. He didn't do anything wrong. I'm just a moody bitch. He walks over to the kitchen to grab the broom.

"No, I can help," I say. I try to step over the glass, but I fail and I just end up stepping on a piece. "Fuck!"

He looks over at me from the kitchen and rushes to me. I stand on one foot and I can see the blood start to fall down my foot. Damn, that's a lot of blood. He picks me up bridal style and lays me down on the kitchen table. "Keep your foot up." He grabs a towel from the kitchen and puts pressure on it. I can feel the tears start to drip out of the corner of my eye and I wipe it away.

"You okay?"

I nod my head, "It just hurts like a bitch."

"I'm sorry," he says.

"No, I'm sorry," I say. "I'm sorry for being a total bitch. I'm just so overwhelmed and I keep taking it out on you."

"Can you hold this, so I can get bandages?"

I nod my head and I reach my hand down to my foot. I keep pressure on it and he goes to the bathroom.

He comes back out with bandages, alcohol wipes, a wet rag, and cotton balls. He takes the rag from me and I let my hand rest next to my body. He starts to clean my foot.

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