dead or alive?

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*this is going to be a huge pov story. meaning that there will be lots of different povs. i've never done this so i wanna try it once. lmk if y'all like it or nah*

(Nick's pov)

If I'm being completely honest with myself, I don't know what the hell I'm doing. My emotions are getting the best of me and I don't know how to feel.

It's been about five days since Addison and I made up. Ever since that night I've been feeling so different. And I have no clue if it's a good or a bad thing. I mean it has to bad. I know it does, but at the same time I want it to be good.

Ever since Addison and I had that conversation it's all I can think about. It felt so real and so beautiful. It felt like we were the only two people in the world. It felt like we were both madly in love. Even though we all know that's not true.

I think I'm starting to fall for her and I hate it. How can I be falling for Addison? That's not supposed to happen at all. I know damn well that she doesn't feel the same, but how can I be falling? I told myself I wouldn't fall in love again, but here we are. (lmaoooo 😉😉)

She just has the effect on me that I can't explain. I don't even understand it myself. I said I wasn't gonna do this again. I said love was stupid and pointless.

But then there is her.

She is so perfect. Her hair, eyes, mouth, her teeth, the way she laughs, the way she has the worst attitude in the world. I love it all and she's all I can think about.

I don't know what to do. She obviously doesn't feel the same. She has a boyfriend. A whole ass boy. It'll never work out.

Hopefully I just get over it soon.

(Addison's pov)

"We could do it here," Zion says pointing up at the tall building in front of us.

"What even is this place?"

"I don't know," he says. "But it looks really big. Big enough for us to be able to do our thing."

"Well let's go check it out," Brandon says.

Right now Brandon, Zion, and I are looking for a place to have our gang shit at. Nick and Edwin are currently out buying some security shit. Guns, knives, security cameras, stupid shit like that. Izzy is out buying furniture to decorate the place a bit.

All of us agreed to do the gang thing and we are really excited for it. Even Brandon is going to join us. Nick and him are trying to work shit out and I appreciate it so much. I know that everything will be fine between them soon.

The three of us walk inside the building and we see that it's completely vacant. The only thing in the building is the combination of dust and mice crap.

"This is nice," Zion says, "It's big, but not too big. I think it's perfect for us."

I smile, "I do too. I really like it."

"So how are we going to get more people to join us?" Brandon asks.

"I think we should just put word out that we are good people. That we want to help people in danger. Our place is basically a safe place for anyone that needs it. Then after we do that I feel that some people will start to join," I say.

"I'm glad we got out of that toxic place," Zion says, "This is going to be so much better than New York."

"Yea," I say. "Hopefully we just don't get roped in with the wrong type of people. We don't need anything else happening to us."

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