lights and sirens

345 11 6

A scream leaves my body.

It's pouring rain now.

His body falls to the ground. I watch his body hit the cold and wet pavement hard. Blood rushes out of his head as his helpless body lays there.

He's dead.

Bullet to the head. There is no way that someone can survive a bullet to the head, right? In movies they die instantly when they are shot in the head. Which means that he has to be dead.

Ringing in my ears. That's what I hear right now. I hear constant ringing and I see rain hit down on his limp body.

I fall to the ground and I see people running towards him. The boys are going towards him to see if he is still breathing. To see if he is alive.

He's not though. I already know that.

"ADDISON!" They scream in my face. I don't say anything or move. I watch the rain fall from the sky as the tears drip down my face. "ADDISON! LOOK AT ME!"

I can't though. I can't look at anyone or anything right now. That just seems so impossible at this point.

"Addison, you have to move. They are coming soon," Edwin says to me.

"H-He's dead."

He sighs, "Yes."

Another strange noise leaves my mouth. I don't know what it is, but I can't control it. It just comes out.

"Addison," he says again.

"I can't m-move," I cry.

"Okay, okay."

Edwin walks away from me and then Zion comes to me. He gently picks me up and brings me underneath the roof, so I'm not in the rain anymore.

"Stay here," he says. "Someone will be back in a minute. I need to go help the guys."

"Help with what?"

He shrugs his shoulders, "I really don't know, Addison. We don't know what to do with a dead body either."

I nod my head and he walks away to the boys. I sit underneath the small roof as the rain hits the metal top, making a loud noise.

I sit there for a few minutes until I see lights and sirens. They come in fast and get out of their cars. Paramedics run over to his body, but I don't move. I don't have any will to move.

The police start talking to the boys and the paramedics start to inspect his body.

"She's over there," Brandon points over at me.

A women nods her head and walks over to me quickly, "Hello, miss. My name is Officer Smith."

"H-hi," my voice cracks.

"We are here to take care of you," she says. "I'm going to take you somewhere warm. You can
change your clothes there too."

"I-I want to go home," I say.

"Okay," she says. "I can have that arranged. I am going to question you though."


"No. I will come back tomorrow to ask you everything," she says.

"Okay," I say. "Uh, do you know where my baby is?"

"He's safe," she says. "Your friends said that they gave him to your other friends that were waiting in a car a few blocks away. I had a few men go check the car out."

"Thank you," I whisper.

She helps me stand up and she starts to walk me to the police cars. When we get to the car I see Nick. His face is all white and he has blood all over his hands.

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