he is here

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[2 months later]

Nick is walking now and has been doing a lot better. He got his leg casts off, but he still has his cast on his arm. He's glad to have the other ones off, but is pissed because of his arm.

He has been planning the nursery for the baby the past couple months. He tires to help as much as possible, but it gets hard for him sometimes.

I don't know anything about the nursery though. I have no idea what it looks like or what is in there. The boys have been helping build shit and the girls have been doing the decorating.

Nick says that he wants the whole thing to be a surprise for me. He is super excited about it and seeing him excited about something makes me really happy.


"What?" I yell from the couch.

"Can you come here?" Edwin yells.

"No!" I yell back. "My fat ass is not leaving the couch!"

"I guess I'll come to you," he complains. He walks down the stairs and rolls his eyes, "Ice cream again?"

"Edwin," I say, "I don't understand how I haven't killed your ass yet. Have you ever heard the thing where people say to never mess with a pregnant lady?"

"Yes, I heard," he says. "The boys remind me all the damn time."

I roll my eyes, "Well you do a great job."

"Anyways," he says. "Do you like grey or brown better?"

"Grey," I say.

"Okay, thanks."

"When do I get to see it?" I ask. "It's really killing me over here."

"Ask lover boy."

"Where is he even at?" I ask. "He hasn't been home all morning."

"Classified information."

"Edwin," I complain, "Why can't you just tell me? You guys never tell me anything. I just sit here all day while you guys work. It's not fair."

"Two things," he says. "One is that it's all a surprise, so you can't know anything anyways. Second is you're pregnant. You can't be lifting shit. You're supposed to sleep and eat all day long."

"Wow, maybe Edwin does care."

He shrugs his shoulders, "Just a little."

"So since you care will you tell me?"

"Haha," he starts to walk away. "No."

"Edwin!" I groan, but he is already gone.

The front door opens up, "Baby!"

He smiles, "Hi, ma."

"Where have you been?" I ask. "You've been gone all morning."

"Just getting some final things for the room," he sits down next to me on the couch.

"Can I see?"

He chuckles, "You know better than that, ma."

"But I want to know."

"Fine. I will tell you one thing," he says. He pulls out his phone and starts to mess around on it for a bit, "This is engraved into the wall."

He shows me his phone and I instantly want to start crying. I can't believe he did this. It's absolutely beautiful.

It's an engraving of the baby's heartbeat into the wall. Above the heartbeat is his name.

"Nick, it's beautiful," I say. A couple tears roll down my face.

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