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"Really?" I ask. "The beach? We've been here before you dumb ass."

"Not as a couple," he says. "We've never had a real date here. We've only had friend dates."

"That's what those were?" I chuckle.

"Of course," he says parking the car. "I always thought everything was a date with you."

"Wow, I feel honored."

We get out of the car and I instantly grab his hand. It feels natural now. It's only been two weeks, but it feels like an eternity now.

We walk onto the sand until we are close to the water. We both stop and he wraps his arm around my waist.

"I love coming here," he says quietly.

"Me too," I say. "It's so calming to me."

"I love to hear the waves," he says. "The waves crashing together has always been my favorite."

"And the sand between your toes," I say.

He smiles, "And the beautiful girls."


He starts laughing, "I'm just kidding, ma. There is only one beautiful girl."

"It's me."

"Well I was going to say Beyoncé, but I guess you work too," he says.

I smack his chest, "You are an asshole."

"You know I'm just kidding," he leans in for a kiss, but I move my face out of the way.

"No kiss for you," I say.

"Then no dry clothes for you."

And before I can even react he picks me up and starts to run towards the water.

"Nick! No! Put me down!"

He doesn't listen though. He runs straight into the water and starts splashing water everywhere. He throws me down in the water causing me to get soaked.

"Nick! I hate you!"

He starts laughing super hard, "You deserve that for not giving me a kiss."

I reach up and I pull him down to me. He falls down on me, but I don't even care. As long as he is wet too.

"You deserved that for getting me wet," I say.

"Addison, my stitches."

"Shit," I say. I stand up and I try to get him up, "Get out of the water! Now!"

He starts laughing, "They can get wet, ma."

I roll my eyes, "You are an ass."

"At least I know that you care," he says. "But I'm okay. Now get back in with me."

I sit back down in the water and we start to swim around together. I get on his back and he starts to swim around in circles.

"You owe me new clothes," I say.

"I'll get you whatever, ma."

I smile, "I know you will, so can we go on a shopping spree tomorrow?"

"Hell no," he says.

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