my girl

534 15 7

(Addison's pov)

I don't know why I did it. I don't know why I kissed him and I don't know why I ran away from him. I enjoyed it so much, so I don't even understand why I left.

I feel like I was just too overwhelmed and I didn't want him to react badly. What if he would have told me to leave? What if he would have pushed me away. I don't even know how he actually feels about me.

Kissing him was so stupid.

"Addison! Where the hell are you going?" Edwin yells as he follows me out to the parking lot. I don't turn around though. I continue to walk away from him, "Ads, what happened?"

I stop dead in my tracks, but I keep my back facing him, so he can't see the tears now falling down my face, "Uh, I kissed him."


"I just kissed Nick."

"Just now?" He asks. "As in you just kissed Nick as he was sitting in his hospital bed after his surgery?"

"Yes, Edwin! I kissed Nick!" I run my fingers through my hair and I let out the biggest breath ever.

"Why though? I thought you didn't like him like that? You and Hardin just broke up. He can't be your rebound."

I turn around quickly and I look at him like he is stupid, "He's not my rebound, you jackass. I would never do that to him."

"Then why?"

I sigh, "Because Edwin, I'm in love with him."

"About fucking time," he smirks. "I knew this shit would happen eventually."

"It doesn't even matter."

"It does to," he says. "Now why the hell are you out here and not in there with him?"

"Because I'm a pussy and I ran out right after I kissed him," I say quietly.

"Addison, what the hell? Why would you do that? He kissed you back, right?"

"Yes he kissed me back, but I didn't want to hear what he was going to say afterwards," I say.

"Not happening. You are going to go back in there and talk to him. I'm tired of the two of you hiding your feelings."

"But he has no feelings for me."

"I'm going to kill you," he says as he grabs onto my forearm. He starts to drag me back into the hospital.

"Edwin, let me go!"

"No," he continues to drag me inside, "You are going to act like grown adults and talk it out."

"Edwin, please stop. I am just going to make a fool out of myself. I'm already embarrassed for leaving!"

"I don't give a fuck."

He continues to drag me through the hospital until we get back to Nick's room. I really don't want to talk to him. What am I supposed to say to him? I just ran after kissing him.

"Now get in there and talk to the man," he opens the door and practically shoved me inside. He closes the door before I can walk back out.

I turn around to see Nick laying in bed. He is now staring at me and he looks really confused. I would be confused too if a girl kissed you and then ran away.

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