selfless girl

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(Nick's pov)

"Shut the hell up!" Rose yells.

"Why should we?" I ask. "What the hell are you going to do about it?"

"I'll cut you," she says as she pulls out her knife. "I'm not afraid to do that."

"It seems like you aren't afraid to do anything," I say. "Since you decided to turn on us and try to kill us."

"People change," she says. "I guess everyone changes eventually."

"What are we even waiting for?" Izzy asks.

"We are all here," Zion says. "Just kill us or something. Get this shit over with."

"No, we aren't all here," Sasha says.

"We aren't," Rose says. "We are waiting on little miss Addison."

My head shoots up very quickly when she says that, "What do you mean we are waiting on Addison?"

"Hardin is bringing her," Sasha says. "They should be coming soon."

"No!" I yell. I start to move around and I start to pull my arms to try and get out of the chains that they have us in.

"Aw, poor Nick," Rose says. "Is he scared that something is going to happen to his precious girlfriend?"

"Leave her out of everything," I yell. "She literally did nothing to you guys."

"She spilt the gang up," Sasha says. "And she ruined Hardin."

"How the fuck did she ruin him?" I ask. "He is the one that cheated on her! He broke her!"

"She broke him too," Sasha says. "You guys have no clue what we went through. It was absolute hell."

"You guys are unbelievable," Edwin says. "You have no clue what she went through."

"Just shut up!" Rose yells. "It's finally time and we can't be arguing."

Right after Rose says that the big doors open up to the big building. I don't know how I've never seen this building before. It's huge and right in the middle of town. This is where they have been and we had no idea. They have been right under our noses the whole damn time.

I look over to the doors to see Hardin walk in with Addison. She is standing right in front of him and he has his hands around her. He is pushing her forward with a gun pressed right to her head.

Right when I see her I start to tear up. I hate this. I never wanted her to have to go through this shit. She has already been through so much and she doesn't deserve any of this. I can't deal with this shit. It's too much at this point. I feel like it'll never get easier.

"Well, well, well," Hardin says. "Look who it is. It's the other losers."

"Addison!" I yell.

She starts to squirm around in Hardin's arms and I try to pull off the chains again. The only thing I want to do it kiss her tears away and hold her so tight. I can't do that shit right now though.

"Nick," she cries.

Hardin hits her upside the head with his gun and yells, "Stop talking or I'll shoot you both."

"Let her go!" I yell.

He points his gun at me, "I'm not afraid to shoot your ass. I suggest you stop talking."

"Then tell us what the hell is happening," Zion says. "We are tired of waiting around in these chains."

Hardin rolls his eyes and then throws Addison to the ground. She hits it hard and groans.

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