the love

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Usually when I wake up in the morning it's completely dark in my room because I always keep my curtains closed. I don't like to be woken up by the sun. It's very rare that my curtains are open, but Nick's room is the complete opposite.

The sun shines in on my face and it really annoys me. I keep my eyes closed and I roll over. When I roll over I roll right on top of Nick. Oops. Kinda forgot he was laying in bed with me.

He laughs, "What was that for?"

I roll off of him and I bury my face into his pillow. That was very embarrassing. Why do I always do this to myself? Jesus, I'm so stupid.

"Addison," he says close to my ear, "What are you doing? Why are you trying to bury your whole body in a bed?"

I lightly laugh in the pillow and then before I know it Nick is tickling my sides and I start squirming everywhere. He starts laughing with me and I laugh so hard that it almost comes out as a wheeze now. I turn around and I push him off of me. Well I try, but he is way too strong, "Okay, okay. I'm done burying myself."

He smiles and stops tickling me, "Good."

Right when he says that his door swings open and the no other Edwin is standing in the doorway with the biggest smile on his face.

"Hey, Edwin," I say.

He walks into the room, "Well, well, well, what do we have going on in here?"

"Nothing," Nick says, "We are just laying here. Addison just got tickled to death, so she's not the happiest."

"Why are you in his bed?"

I roll my eyes. I'm really getting tired of this stupid bet thing. All Edwin wants is for me to lose the stupid bet and I'm not going to. Nick is just a friend. What, I can't be friends with someone? I'm friends with him too and he's a guy. I grab the covers and I aggressively throw them off of me. I get out of Nick's bed and I stomp away to the door.

"I couldn't sleep last night," I say while turning my back to him, "And I guess that's your fault for some reason. I wouldn't know why though because Nick wouldn't tell me shit."

"What are you talking about?"

"I called you like ten times," Nick says, "You would know if you answered your phone."

"Sorry, I fell asleep early last night and I just haven't really checked my phone much this morning. What happened?"

Nick looks at me and I nod my head. At this point I know it's my cue to leave, but that's not going to stop me from finding everything else out. I open the door and I slightly slam it after I'm out.

I'm not that mad, but I just wanted to show Edwin that I'm over the bet and that I'm going to give him attitude for it. I crouch down next to the door and I put my ear up to it, so I can hear what they are talking about.

"Brandon stopped us in streets last night on our way home. He threatened Addison if we didn't give him what he needed by the end of the week." Who is Brandon?

"Shit," Edwin says kinda loud, but not too too loud, "We need to go talk to the rest of the gang."

Gang? What gang? Damn, I knew they were associated with a gang or something. Why are they in this? I really don't know as much about them as I thought I did.

"We need to go over there tonight," Nick says, "Maybe Rose will have the money by now. She is the one that owes the majority."

"Do you have your amount?" Edwin asks.

"I've had mine for about a week now, but Rose is so behind that she didn't have enough the last time I checked. Do you have yours?"

"Yea, I do," he says back. Who the fuck is Rose? And why do they all owe someone money? "We can go over there tonight."

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