i'm sorry

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We get to the place we are eating at and it's so fancy. Edwin is probably going to spend his whole bank account on this place. Everyone is dressed up super nice like they are at a wedding. There is chandeliers everywhere and elegant music in the background. The tables are all decorated and it smells amazing here. I don't even want to order anything because I know how expensive it will be. Might as well order off the kids menu.

"Where is Izzy?" Nick asks as he sits down in the far part of the booth. I have to sit next to him because Izzy and Edwin are going to sit next to each other. "Is she meeting us here?"

"Yea. She got stuck in traffic, but she should be here any minute," he says.

"Why didn't you pick her up?" I ask.

Nick cuts Edwin off and says, "Because not everyone is like you who needs a damn personal driver."

"I never said that," I spit out. "It's just most of the time the boy picks up his girlfriend."

"Well she isn't a spoiled brat like you."

"Nick, can you not?" Edwin asks. I can tell that he is getting really annoyed at this point. "But I didn't get her because she has to leave right after dinner, and we are going to the show after."

I nod my head and then I roll my eyes. Here I am again rolling my eyes, "That makes sense."

The three of us sit at the booth and I don't say a word. Edwin and Nick talk the whole time about football and some video games that I don't even know about. It's like they are speaking a different language. I only know how to play Fortnite, but all this other shit is just whack to me.

What Nick said to me honestly got to me deeply because my family is rich and there is so many people that make fun of us for that. I'm so down to earth about it though. I don't go around and flaunt my money around. Hell, I rarely use my parents money and I'm getting my own job. He just likes to piss me off and make me feel like shit. That's what he just loves to fucking do to me.

Izzy walks in the restaurant and points to us to our waiter. She comes over and sits down next to Edwin.

Edwin gives her a kiss on the cheek, "Was traffic that bad?" Edwin asks. "It wasn't too bad for us."

"It was awful," she says, "I didn't think I would ever make it here."

"Well we are glad that you are here," I say with a smile on my face. She smiles back at me.

"So how are you guys doing?" She asks while looking at the menu. I wonder if she knows how much this place costs.

"I'm doing pretty well," I say, "How about you? How is school?"

"Really well, actually. I've met some pretty amazing people to help me with my art. It's coming along," she says. I wish I could be as confident as her. She is so sure of what she will do one day which is so amazing and I wish I could be like that. "So how are you Nicholas?"

Ha. I kinda forgot his actual name was Nicholas. I always just called him Nick. Everyone did.

"Pretty good," he says, "Life is just really stressful at the moment with everything going on."

"What do you have going on?" I ask confused because he is always at home doing nothing but studying. "All you do is study at home."

The three of them give each other a look like they are hiding something from me. Nick clears his throat and says, "Uh, don't worry about it."

Our waiter comes over just in time to break up the awkward silence. It's very obvious that they are hiding something from me, but what? What could they be doing that has to be top secret?

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