drink everything away

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(Nick's pov)

"We can't do that now," I say. "They are just going to get us if we go back to New York."

"They wouldn't even know that we are coming and I don't care about his gang. I only want to get back at him."

"No, Ads. They will make it so much more worse when they attack us. If we get back at Hardin then they will get back at us, but even worse. We can't take that risk."

"Fuck you," she says. "You said we would get back at him."

"We will whenever he comes here to get at us," I say. "We need them to make the first move. Not us."

"Hello," Addison says to the young boy that just walked up to the front desk, "Do you need some food?"

"Yes," he says.

"Down the hall," she points at the hallway, "And it's the second door on your left. Help yourself to whatever."

"Thank you." He walks away and goes down the hallway to get some food.

I always thought this whole gang thing we were doing would be a bad idea, but it's actually so amazing. We get to help random people that don't have food or homes. It really does feel amazing.

"So what happens when they make the first move and one of us gets hurt? Or possibly killed?"

I sigh, "Then I don't know, Addison. If it happens then it happens. There isn't anything for us to do at that point."

"So it's okay for one of us to get killed?"

"I never said that," I say getting annoyed. I understand that she is hurt, but she gets so upset over stupid shit now, "But we can't take the risk of going there and making shit worse for us."

"So we sit around and wait like sitting ducks?"



"Hey, Tommy invited us all to a party tonight," Zion says right as Addison and I walk through the front door. "Are you guys down to go?"

"Nah, we will stay here," I say.

Addison chuckles, "No, we are going. I'm going to party and get drunk off my ass."

"Oh, Lord," I mumble.

"Okay, sounds cool," Zion says. "We are leaving in an hour so you should go get ready."

"Is everyone else going?" I ask.


"You are even letting Elom go?" I ask.

He rolls his eyes, "The kid wouldn't leave me alone, so I just gave in."

"Aw, poor Zion," Addison says. She pats him on the shoulder and walks away to go to her room.

"This whole Hardin situation is really driving me insane," Zion says.

"What do you mean?"

"Addison has changed so much and it's all because of him. I'm not saying that she is a bad person or anything, but she's always sad and grumpy. I hate that side of her."

I sigh, "I do too, man."

[11:32 pm- 2 hours later]

"This place is fire," I say to Tommy. "You really live here?"

"Yup," he says. Tommy is one of the guys that works at the building with us. He is super chill and we all get along with him really well.

"Damn, do you have parties a lot?"

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