i'll go wherever you are

447 13 14

"Maybe we should just go back home," Nick says, "We don't need to rehearse."

I roll my eyes, "Nick, you have to face it eventually. It'll be okay. I'm sure it's not her."

"What if it is?"

I sigh, "It won't be and if it is then I'll personally kick Rose's ass for you."

He smiles, "I know you would."

We reach the building and Nick starts to wipe his hands on his pants. I've never seen him like this before. I've never seen him so scared. So nervous.

Edwin walks in first and I go in next with Nick following behind me. Everyone is in the kitchen just talking. Some are eating some food while others have cups in their hands.

I don't see anyone new though.

"Hey," Zion says as we walk over to him. He is in the back corner just drinking whatever is in his red solo cup.

"Hi," I say.

"So have you met her yet?" Edwin asks.

"Nope. I have no clue who she is yet. Rose said she wants everyone here for the big announcement. I'm excited to see who it is though."

Nick gulps and I frown. I don't like seeing him like this. He is so scared and I wish he didn't have to be scared.

If it's her, Zion is going to be the same way.

"Where even is Rose?" I ask.

"I think she's upstairs with the new girl," he says, "Not really sure though."

And like it was right on cue Rose walks down the stairs, but she is alone. Nobody is there with her.

"Hey guys!" She yells while staying at the bottom of the staircase, so she is higher up than everyone else. "As most of you know we have a new member. Some of you already know her."

"No," Nick mumbles. "I can't do this."

I grab onto his hand and I give him a reassuring smile that everything is going to be okay, "Just breathe."

He nods his head and he lets out a breath. He squeezes onto my hand super tight and I feel like it's going to fall off, but it's whatever. At this moment I don't even care.

"Come down," Rose yells up the stairs.

A blonde skinny girl walks down the stairs and smiles at everyone. She is absolutely beautiful. With her long hair and her curvy body. She's perfect. If this is actually Sasha then no wonder Nick dated her.

I look up at Zion and Nick and both of their faces are as white as a ghost.

Shit. It's her.

Nick let's go of my hand and storms out of the building without saying a word. I run after him and I can feel Zion and Edwin following behind me.

Once we are completely out of the building I start to yell, "Nick! Nick! Stop!"

He stops, but doesn't turn around at all. I stand behind him and he is breathing so heavily. All I can hear is his deep breathes.

"It's her," he whispers.

"I know," I say back.

He turns around to face me and tears start to roll down his face. I step closer to him and I place my hand onto his arm. I don't want to be too close to him. I know he's stressed and overwhelmed.

"Did you know about that?" Zion asks.

"No," Nick says, "I knew we were getting a new girl, but I didn't think it would be her. I was worried it was her, but I didn't know."

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