plotting against

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(Nick's pov)

Right as Addison says those words I feel like my entire stomach just dropped to the floor. I haven't heard that word yet since I've been in the gang and I quite frankly never wanted to hear it.

'Mordu' means 'bitten' in French. When you are in a gang you use that word to tell someone that they are coming for you and your gang. Nobody ever uses it, but when someone does use it, it's never a good thing. It's always the worst of the worst. Hardin wants revenge now and that's why he told Addison to tell me that.


I snap out of my thoughts and I look back at the beautiful girl in front of me. The beautiful girl that is trying to stay strong, but is really heartbroken.

"Sorry," I say.

"What does that mean and why are you freaking out about it?"

"It means 'bitten' in French."

"What does the word 'bitten' have to do with anything?" She asks confused.

"It's basically a code word. but nobody uses it because nobody ever means it or takes it seriously."

"What is the code?"

"It basically means that a gang is going to come after another gang and do some very bad things. I think Hardin told you that because he wants revenge because of what we found out."

"But Hardin's not in a gang," she says.

"Apparently he is."

"You were right,"'she whispers.

"About what?"

"Awhile ago, when I first started talking to Hardin, you told me to be careful because he could be involved in another gang. You were right about that. He never told me anything about it, but he's obviously in a gang," she says.

"Yea," I say staring at the wall that is in front of me, "You told Hardin about our gang, right?"


"Then they will either attack at the building or here at our house," he says. "I know this is a lot to take in, but he's a bad person. He doesn't get what he wants and now he's going to take it out on you."

She shakes her head and I can tell that she is getting scared now. I wish she didn't have to live in a world like this. I wish she didn't have to be scared all the time.

"I don't get it," she says. "Was he only dating me because of gang reasons? Was he only trying to get closer to you or Edwin? Or Zion?"

"That's the thing. I don't have any problems with him. I don't even know what gang he is associated with. I don't know why he would want to come after us."

"There has to be a reason," she says. "Or else he would have never dated me."

I nod my head, "I'll figure it out, but for right now we will be fine."

"How do we know when they will come?"

I sigh, "We don't know, so we have to always be prepared and we are. We have everything we would need here and at the building."

"So now we just wait and hope that we don't die?" She asks.

"I guess so."

"Well isn't that just lovely."

"I know," I say. "But there isn't anything to do about it yet. I'll go talk to the boys and see if anyone is affiliated with Hardin. Maybe they would know something."

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