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"I'll see you soon," I say giving Ashley a hug.

"You better come see us soon," she says. "I miss you all the time."

"I'll try," I say.

"And if Nick hurts you then let me know and I'll personally come kill him."

I look behind me and he is still loading up the car. I smile, "He's not going to hurt me."

"Well when he asks you out make sure you call right away," she says.

"Ash, shut up," I say. "He's not going to ask me out. We are nothing more than friends. Plus I'm talking to someone."

"What?" She yells.

I roll my eyes, "Ash, don't say anything to anyone about it. It hasn't even been that long. We haven't even kissed yet. It's just talking for now."

"Name?" She asks.


"I don't like it," she says. "I'm team Nads."

"Excuse me? Nads?"

"Yea," she says, "Nick and Ads put together is Nads. That's your guy's ship name."

I start laughing and I push her shoulder gently, "You sound just like Edwin. You guys would be great friends."

"He is team Nads too?"

"Yup," I say. "He has a bet with me on it."

"Hell yes," she says. "Give me his number, so I can get in on this bet too."

I chuckle, "Shut up."

Nick walks back over to us and I smile, "We got everything?"

"I think so," he says. "I put your food up front with you."

"Thank you," I say. I look over at Ashley and she has the biggest smirk on her face. Probably because of what Nick just said. It's not even that big of a deal. "I'm going to say goodbye to my mom and dad. Want to come?"

"Sure," he says. We walk back into the house and I see my mom and dad standing by the island.

"We are leaving," I say.

"What a shame," my mom says. She comes over to me and gives me a hug. She pulls away and then gives Nick a hug too. That's surprising. "We will miss you guys."

"Miss you too," I say. My dad comes over and he gives me a quick hug. He pulls away and shakes Nick's hand.

"Nice meeting you," my dad says to him.

"You too," Nick says with a smile.

"Call if you ever need anything," my dad says while looking back at me.

I smile, "I won't, but thank you." I look over at Nick and I sigh, "Well we better go. It's a long drive."

He nods his head, "Yes, we should. It was nice meeting you all. Thank you for letting me come."

We all start walking to the door and my mom says, "Thank you for coming." Nick and I walk out the door as they stand in the doorway. "Bye!"

"Bye," I say.

Nick and I get in the car and I let out the biggest breath ever. I was literally holding that in for so long. I'm so glad to be leaving. Nick backs out of the driveway and starts to drive down the road.

"So what did you think?" I ask. "And don't you dare lie to me. Please be honest."

He sighs, "It was awful."

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