government name

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I start laughing super loud, "Stop! It's not funny anymore!"

"Then why are you still laughing?" He asks while he continues tickling me. I've always been so ticklish and Nick always takes that to his advantage.

I feel myself about to roll off the bed and he quickly pulls me back on the bed, but continues to tickle me, "Okay, okay. You win!"

"Nope," he says. "You are still getting tickled."

He keeps tickling me on the bed and we are both laughing super hard. I love having these moments with him. They are always so fun.

"Ahem!" Nick stops tickling me and we look over at the door. Alex is standing there with Lexi right next to him. Lexi is his wife.

"Oh sorry," I say. I can feel my face heat up as I get off of the bed. Well that's embarrassing. Nick stands up too and stands next to me. "How are you guys? It's been so long."

I give Alex a hug and then I give Lexi one too, "We are doing good," Lexi says, "How are you?"

"I'm doing amazing," I say.

"And who is this?" Alex asks while looking at Nick. My brother has never liked when Ashley and I brought home boys. He hated it.

"Oh this is Nick," I say. "He's my best friend and my roommate."

Alex holds out his hand and Nick shakes it two times, "Nice meeting you," Nick says.

"You too."

"I'm Lexi," she says shaking his hand next.

"Nice to meet you too," Nick says.

Lexi smiles and then Alex looks over at me, "Dad should be home now."

"Okay," I say.

"See you guys downstairs," Alex says.

I nod my head and they leave my bedroom. I look over at Nick and he smiles lightly at me. "I can tell you are closer to your sister than your brother."

"You got that right," I say. I walk over to my dresser and I start to grab out clothes for this stupid dinner.

"You okay?" Nick asks while sitting at the end of my bed. I smile to myself because he always knows when I'm feeling down or frustrated about something. I swear he can read me like a book.

"I just don't want to see my dad," I say.

He nods his head lightly, "Just don't pay any attention to him."

"I'll try not to," I say. I start to walk to my bathroom, "Now get ready, loser."

Once I'm in the bathroom I change into my nice navy blue dress. My dad always told us to look classy when we have dinners. He also said that we shouldn't show any skin. It's not lady like. Therefore my dress is very long and shows no cleavage or anything. It's still beautiful though.



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