working with the bad

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(Addison's pov)

"Why the hell are you here? What are you doing in Cali?"

"Uh, I didn't know you would be around here," my dad says. "What are you doing up so late for?"

"That doesn't matter," I say. "Why are you here and why are you with her?"

Nick walks over to me and stands right next to me. I instantly grab onto his hand and I hold on like my life depends on it.

"Well I was coming to surprise you," he says. "I wanted to come visit. I've been driving for days and I wanted to stop for food here. I ran into Rose here."

"I never told you about her."

"Yes you did," he says. "You told me all about her that one time. You said that she was a really good friend."

I chuckle, "Try a backstabbing bitch. She's nothing to me or anyone here anymore, so I don't know why you even care for her."

"You'll just always be jealous of me," Rose says.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me," Rose says. "I'm so much better than you in every way. I'm prettier, skinnier, and I always get all the boys. You wish you were me."

"Rose, shut the fuck up," Nick says. "You don't get to say that shit to her."

Maybe she is right though. She is super pretty and all the guys would love to date her. She's much skinnier and has an amazing body. I don't wish to be like her, but she's right about being better than me. She's perfect.

My dad has a smirk on his face and that's when I know that he didn't come here to visit me. He is somehow working with Rose. He doesn't care about me. He wants Rose to tear me down. I always knew he was the biggest piece of shit to exist.

"No, I do get to say it to her," Rose says. "I'm only speaking facts."

"Shut up before I have to shut you up," Nick says.

"You can't hit a girl."

"No, but I can," Izzy says. "And I'm not afraid to beat the fuck out of you."

"Okay," Edwin says stepping in. "I know we all hate each other, but now is not the time. Let's just get out of here."

"Run away," Rose says. "Like you guys always do." She chuckles. "I can't wait to see you guys next week."

And right after she says that I decide that I can't take it any longer. She is driving me insane and I want to kill this bitch.

I swing my arm right at her and my fist connects with her face. She stumbles back a bit and I start to hit her again. She falls to the ground and I go down with her as I continue to hit her face like crazy. Nobody stops me. I knew that they wouldn't because they all know she deserves it.

After getting about ten punches on her I feel hands around me. I turn around a bit to see my dad trying to get me off of Rose.

"Get off of her," Nick says. He pushes my dad out of the way and helps me stand up.

Nick knows that my dad used to hit me. He hates when I have to be around him. He never talks about it, but I know he's scared that he will hit me again. That would be why he didn't want him to touch me in anyway.

"I'm glad you could get your punches in now," she says as my dad helps her stand up. "You won't be saying much after next week."

"Oh, is that when you pussy asses are finally going to try and end us?" Austin asks. "It took you all long enough."

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