shots fired

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"Are you nervous?" Nick asks as I put on my coat. Today is my first day at work. I got a job at Urban Outfitters. I'm really excited for it.

"Kinda," I say. "This is only like my second job ever, so a little bit."

"You'll do amazing," he says as he hands me my cup of coffee.

"Thank you," I say.

I pick my phone up from the table and I check the time. I have about twenty minutes to get there. I want to get there early though.

"After you get off do you want to go to the building?" He asks. "We were going to start talking about the next competition."

I smile, "It's honestly so weird."

"What is?"

"That I'm a part of the gang now," I say. "I actually get to go to meetings and shit."

He laughs, "Yes you do."

"Well I'm cool with going once I get back. As long as we get food afterwards."

He playfully rolls his eyes, "That is what you always say."

"Because I love food. Now leave me alone."

He chuckles, "Whatever. Get out of here before you are late."

"Yes, dad." I grab my purse from the table and he rolls his eyes again. "See you later."

"Bye," he says.

(Nick's POV)

Once Addison is completely gone I grab my shit and I walk out of the apartment. I'm glad that she is gone when I have to do this shit. She would have asked to come with me or she would have followed my ass again.

Edwin, Rose, and I are meeting up with someone from "The Snakes" right now. We are kinda late on the money thing, but that is Rose's fault. She just got all of the money that she fucking owes. I won't be surprised if they try to kill us when we get there since it's so late.

I walk outside the apartment building and I start to walk to the building. We are meeting them a few blocks away from our place. We don't want them around our place, so we are meeting them farther away.

Once I'm at the building I open the doors to see Todd, Jason, Rose, Edwin, Kyle and Zac standing around and talking.

"It's about time you show up," Kyle says.

"Shut up," I say. "I had to wait for Addison to leave or she would have wanted to come."

"Aw, you should have brought her," Zac says. I roll my eyes when he says that. Zac is a literal playboy. It boiled me up so much when he was talking to Addison the other day. He is going to try to get with her and I don't want that shit to happen.

Edwin speaks up, "Addison is to be left out of everything as much as possible."

"Why? She is joining us. Shouldn't she know about some things?" Zac says.

"She does know about things," I say. "This doesn't even involve her. Just like it doesn't involve you this time."

"Whatever, man." He walks off and goes upstairs. Probably to go fuck some random bitch in his room. He really gets on my nerves.

"What's up with you today?" Rose asks.

"Nothing," I say. "He's just a playboy and he gets on my nerves. I know what his plans are with Addison and I won't let that shit happen."

Edwin starts laughing, "Because he's in love," he mumbles.

I roll my eyes, "Let's just go."

Rose, Edwin and I walk out of the building and we start to walk down the alleyway. It doesn't take long to get to the meeting spot. It takes maybe like five minutes.

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