am i worth it?

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[2 months later]

"I'm so excited," I say to Nick.

"I am too," he says. "We haven't seen her in forever."

"I know," I say. "She probably doesn't even remember us at all."

"Probably not," he chuckles.

"Does she know anything?" I ask quietly.

"Of course not," he says. "Everything that happened is your business and I have no right in telling anyone."

"It's your business too," I say.

"But I don't have the right to tell that story because it's so personal," he says.

"Thank you," I say.

He leans over and quickly pecks my cheek with his soft lips. "Do you think she is excited for this?"

"I'm sure she is," I say. "She loves hanging out with us. I remember the first time I met her. She was so excited to meet me and we weren't even a thing then."

"Nope," he says. "She gets too excited about everything, so of course she was assuming we were a thing."

"All moms do that," I say.

"Nick! She's here!" Nick and I stand up from his bed quickly and we go downstairs.

"Mom," Nick says super excited. He hasn't seen her in like six months. He really missed her. I don't blame him though. I miss my mom too and we aren't even that close. He's really close to his mom, so I'm sure he was really missing her.

He runs over and wraps her in a huge hug, "I missed you so much, Nicholas."

"I missed you too, mom."

They let go of each other and she looks over at me. "Addison, love!" She quickly walks over to me with her arms open wide.

She wraps me in a hug and she starts to sway us back and forth lightly. I knew she was going to be excited to see us. All moms get excited about little things like this.

"I missed you," I say.

She pulls away and smiles, "I missed you too. You guys have to fill me in on everything."

I chuckle, "Definitely."

"How about we get you settled in first, mom?" Nick suggests to her.

"I guess so," she says. "But I want every detail after that."

"Deal," I say.

Nick grabs her bags and takes them upstairs with his mom following behind him. His mom is just staying in my room while she visits. It's not like I stay in there anyways. I'm always in Nick's room. Once they are completely upstairs I walk to the kitchen to grab a cup of water.

"Mom is here," Zion says. "How exciting."

"Very exciting," I say. I take a sip of my water and then I put it down on the counter. "We haven't seen her in forever."

"I know," he says. "We always have so much shit going on."

"It's mainly just drama," I say.

"True," he says. I sigh and I take another sip of my water. "You okay? You seem stressed."

"I'm fine," I lie. "Just haven't been feeling the best, but thank you."


"Good morning, Addison," Debby, Nick's mom, says as I walk into the kitchen.

"Morning," I say. "You are making breakfast?"

"I am," she says. "Coffee is ready too."

I walk to the coffee pot and I pour myself a glass. I pour one for Nick as well and I make it the way we like ours.

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