Entry 94: ???

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While on the road we found some travelers being attacked. After taking out the Bokoblins they kept thanking us, saying they had no idea what they would had done if we hadn't come. They gave us rice balls as thanks.

If I were to die right now, would anyone know? Would it matter? Bossa Nova is smart so I'm sure he could find his way home to Sidon. I guess Sidon would be confused as to why my stuff was still in the saddle bags, but... I don't think anyone would go searching for me. It's not like they would even know where to search for my body. Well, the people of Hateno would know I was going to Gerudo Desert, but I travel all the time so they wouldn't think anything odd of me being gone for a while. Would anyone miss me? Friend is gone, Sidon is busy with his duties, Yunobo has his work in the mines. Everyone has their own lives. Sure, I popped in for a moment, but I don't think I'm all that important to them ultimately. They don't need me. I guess the only person who needs me in any opacity is the Princess Zelda. I'm actually not even sure that she's even alive. She could be just like the Champions in that despite being dead she could still use her powers, like how they could still move the Divine Beasts. I would still want to free her spirit even if she's not alive but I just I don't I feel I she they I

It's just that I dose it even matter what about after but I don't I want I'm scared stop it I hate this why

My mind started going to a really dark place when Bossa Nova started pulling on my hair, snapping me from my thoughts. I'm so glad I'm not alone, and that he reminds me that they do care.

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