Entry 80: ???

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*My friend, I've heard some disturbing news that I sincerely wish to not be true. One of the Zora Guards was patrolling when they spotted you. You were just sitting before Friend and she appeared to be... I dare not even write it. They tried speaking to you, but you didn't react, not even when they had placed a hand on your shoulder and lightly shook you. If what I fear is true then, I am so sorry. I bet words cannot ever be enough to express the pain and grief you must be going through right now. I wish to be with you more than anything else, but I know Muzu nor my duties here would allow that. Even so I cannot just abandon you if this awful nightmare is true. I know nothing and no one could ever replace Friend, but I fear you being alone in a time such as this. Since I can't be with you, Bossa Nova has come to keep you company. If needed he could stay by your side for however long you wish. Even be your steed. I've commissioned the leather smith in Hateno Village to make saddle bags for Bossa Nova should this be the case. By the time you get this, the bags should be ready in six to ten days. If this tragedy has truly occurred, I implore you to not push others away. It may be difficult to even speak of the pain but it's the only thing that helped me with dealing with the sudden loss of my sister. I wish I could do more, but I don't know of any other method of handling grief. And please know that you are always more than welcome to came here. Yiga clan or not we'll fight them off if needed. My friend I hope you know that you are constantly in my thoughts, now more than ever. I'm here for you. Even though I'm not there with you physically you still have my unending friendship. I am always with you, and that will never change. So, my dear friend, I wish you nothing but good, and I hope to see you soon.

I only realized Bosa Nova was here when he pushed me over. He kept staring at me in the eyes. There was a folded paper under his collar. It's folded and held between these pages. I couldn't stop crying. I hugged Bossa Nova's muzzle. He leaned into me. He has a saddle and reins strapped to him. We scooted away from shore, and now we're just laying under the night sky.

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