Entry 42: Dueling Peaks

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Entry 42: Dueling Peaks

While writing my last entry I was interrupted when I spotted something bright red. I raced to the shore and saw the red thing was actually a person! They managed to cling to the shore, and I helped drag them out of the water. He didn't look very injured, but just in case I quickly got him into the tunnel. He was mid-way through thanking me when he abruptly stopped and yelled "Bossa Nova!" then scrambled towards the Capybara. After checking the creature, he asked if I had helped his friend. When I said yes, he kept thanking me over and over. He then stopped again and asked if I'm a Hylian. When I nodded he looked relived and introduced himself.

He is Sidon, the Prince of the Zora. He's like Kass in that he's mostly two colors. He's bright red but his underside, like his face, chest, stomach, and inside of his hands are white. He's at least twice as tall as me. Height wise I reach the top of his stomach. Like Bossa Nova he wears mostly silver trinkets with those glowing gemstones embedded in them. All intricately designed. A belt like thing, arm cuffs, leg cuffs, shoulder armor pad things, necklace and a head thing with a dark purple feather attached. The necklace also had a fluttery white thing. Two yellow ropes, one shorter, one longer connects from his right shoulder thing to under the white fluttery thing. He also wears a dark blue sash with silver threaded embroidery. It reminds me of my Champion tunic. He doesn't appear to wear anything else, aside from the beautiful silver sword attached to the belt thing. He's very fish like. Has a fish tail protruding out from the back of his head and a blue and yellow fin on each arm. He also has sharp teeth and a bright infectious smile.

After introducing himself he asked for my name. I think that's the first time anyone's asked for that. He said that Link is a fantastic name, but he couldn't help but feel that he's heard it somewhere before. He spotted my equipment and asked if I'm a warrior. He was ecstatic when he heard my reply. He said that as the Zora prince he has an eye for talent and that he had a really good feeling about me. He said that he hated to ask more of me since I had helped him and saved Bossa Nova, but he needed help from a Hylian warrior. He explained that the endless rain was coming from the Divine Beast Vah Ruta, which is located in the Zora's domain. The only way to stop it is to take control of it, but to enter the Divine Beast one would need shock arrows. As an aquatic people the Zora get seriously injured from electricity and can't go near them which is why they needed someone who could wield them without getting hurt, a Hylian. He added that if Vah Ruta isn't stopped soon, all of Hyrule would be trapped in an endlessly expanding storm and everything will get flooded and destroyed.

I agreed but asked how we were going to get there. Traveling through a thunderstorm would be too dangerous for a Zora; despite his size even he couldn't swim against the raging rapids while carrying everyone so we could get there quicker. There weren't too many options. Prince Sidon declared that our only option was to brave the storm. I had the Prince and Bossa Nova remove their metal things and place them in the leather saddle bags so they wouldn't attract unwanted electricity. I also lent a thick blanket to the Prince. I don't know if it'll do much, but I hoped it'd provide as some sort of deterrent for lightning.

After that we set off. It was getting darker so I knew it'd be night soon, and when that would happen it'd be pitch black. We hurried as quickly as we could, but we were only able to get to the Dueling Peaks. Unfortunately, a horde of Bokoblins, and Lizalfols were camping out in the only place that provided any decent protection from the storm. I told the others to stay back as I went ahead. I snuck up as closely as I could before they noticed me, then I swiftly took a wooden sword and shield they had laying around and jumped into battle. The Lizalfols made the battle a bit of a challenge. They have multiple ranged attacks and I could only deal with so many opponents at a time. The only light there was came from a small campfire. What's worse of all is that they had a few metal weapons. The battle somehow got into the storm. I got distracted when that blinding lightning struck one of the metal carrying Bokoblins and a Lizalfols managed to stab my right arm. As I was fighting off the Lizalfols Prince Sidon rushed in and began to fight with one of the wooden weapons that was not being used. Once the battle was over the Prince spoke of how impressed he was with my sword skills, but he was quite troubled about my injured arm though.

I think my healing capabilities work differently than I had thought up till now. My entire arm hurts, and it feels almost as if it's being crushed by boulders again. Prince Sidon insisted on bandaging it, but I kept telling him it'd be a waste and that'd I'd be fine. This went on for a while. I told him about my healing ability, but he made the point that since we currently have no food my arm needed to be bandaged so it wouldn't get infected or bleed out. At that comment I gave in. I think I rely too much on my healing ability. If I didn't have it, I'd surely be dead by now. I ought to be more careful.

There's grass here for Friend and Bossa Nova so at least they can have a good meal.

Currently everyone's asleep, well, except me. Maybe I should sleep too, after all, I'm not sure about how my healing works anymore so maybe the same goes for sleep. Yet at the same time, I can't help but worry there being a sudden attack, or lightning, or something else that could put us in danger, so I'll at least stay awake tonight to keep a watch out...

Truth be told that's only one reason. The other is my arm. It feels so hot and like it's throbbing. I don't think I can carry a shield or anything else with it. At least I can still feel it this time, and it's not numb like the last.

I'm also not sure where we're going, beyond here is just valleys and hills as far as the eye can see. There'll be almost no shelter beyond this point. I'm not even sure where the domain is, I sure hope the Prince knows, because I don't have a clue

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