Entry 192: Goron City

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Yunobo helped me carry my commissioned armor back down the volcano. I was also able to get some adjustments to my armor so I wouldn't have to take off Sidon's. I realize it can't exactly do it's job under other armor, but, well, Sidon made it, and it even has his scale, and I just can't bring myself to be apart from it for long. He put so much effort into it, it'd just be cruel and I feel safe with it. Like with it on, everything will be okay.

Yunobo and some others were curious where Friend is. I told them she is back down in the fields and nothing more. Thankfully they were rather distracted by Bossa Nova, it's not often they see an aquatic creature on the fiery, rocky volcano so I didn't have to talk much about her.

We went for a walk to chat. The town is rather small and a little claustrophobic, I do like the place, but after being in Rito village and fields for so long I need a little to adjust to the space. I also just like the views around here, especially at night. It's simply gorgeous once the sun has fallen and the sky had grown dark, it just accentuates the glow of the lava against the surrounding stone.

Life has been peaceful since we appeased Rudania, Yunobo has gone back to his mining work, still assisting Boss with everyday things like getting pain killers though. He was surprised to hear all the other Divine Beasts were calmed too, turns out word of my exploits have reached here too. Yunobo pointed out that the only real danger left are a few specific monsters, like Lynals, Guardians, and the Calamity, but once that's destroyed, everything will be alright because that should get rid of the other dangers. He asked me about other places, what they are like, the people I met and became friends with, the rumors only tell so much and he wanted to hear my day to day stories. I talked so much my throat got sore, but there's so much to tell, and I can't exactly let Yunobo read through my journal without it getting set on fire the moment I take it out of the saddle bag. I was able to keep going though once we got in a hot spring! I tripped over my words a lot; I'm not used to talking so much. I don't think I've even talked this much with Sidon, or at least all in one go like that.

It was rather nice. It's one thing to read through my memories with someone but it's another for me to try recalling everything from myself and not my journal, even if I do consider it to be my memories, and looking back, I did remember most everything on my own, I even remembered some details I didn't write down before. I guess I kinda feel proud? No, I think more so relieved. My memory seems to not be leaving me with time, not just yet at least.

When I had asked about it, Yunobo told me there are warriors in town, but most just stay at their guard posts and keep the occasional monster at bay. When Yunobo was younger he learned a little about fighting, but he was never too interested in it and instead focused on other things. He did tell me along with his garb he also inherited Daruk's weapon, Boulder Breaker. It's this flat stone club with some metal pieces and engravings. He told me if I was strong enough to carry it, I could have it. He told me for someone like him, who's not a fighter, it's useless, and he told me I was going to need all the power I could get for when I was going to face the Calamity. I don't think I've ever told him of my plans, but he pieced it together after hearing how I so fervently spoke of needing to get stronger and my training with Teba and trying to make a new fighting form. There was only one thing he could think of that I would need to get stronger to face. He's rather worried about my facing it, let alone even approaching the castle, it's known to be surrounded and filled to bursting to Guardians, and even with as strong as I am, even I can only fight so many creatures at once.

He asked me if I was sure I had to fight it, unlike the Divine Beasts it hasn't directly attacked in a long time, it's just been sitting in the castle. He thought that maybe if we do nothing and leave it be, it won't do anything, and everyone can keep living in peace. I told him I couldn't, that I made a promise to someone to face it. He got rather upset at me for making such a brash promise, and more so at the person who asked me to do so without helping me fight. It's the first time I've seen him genuinely mad. He then told me that if he couldn't stop me, he'd make sure I mastered the Goron's fighting style so I can use Boulder Breaker properly and come back safely. He told me he'd never forgive me if I got hurt, or never came back at all.

We went back to talking about traveling after that though, we didn't stay on it for long. It was rather nice actually. I like hearing about everyday life here, mining the day away, finding some geo deposits and selling them to some Gerudo women who adored them, neighbors causing trouble, wrestling, climbing and other training/games, festivals.

Yunobo doesn't think his stories are all that exiting compared to mine, but I like them, I don't have many similar like them. I'd like to be at a festival one day, now that sounds exciting, or cooking with neighbors or just about anything else Yunobo talked about. It just all sounds so lovely. Yunobo told me that he'd get the city to throw a festival for me when I came back after defeating the Calamity. He told me that their festivals always involve wrestling and it's a part of Goron fighting training so I better start practicing tomorrow.

Bossa Nova tried following us through the day, but I made sure he stayed at the inn. Yunobo was a little disappointed to not getting to see him more, but I can't let him near the lava, or outside of town. It's just too dangerous. He can follow me, but I'll never let him near the danger. I needed Friend, Sidon, Yunobo, Riju, Teba and Kass before, but I can't keep relying on them. I'll just drag them into danger. They can follow me if they want, but they can never stay close enough to get into the danger I have to face. I have to be strong enough to make up for their absences. I have to be strong enough so they won't worry and won't want to follow. I have to keep them safe.

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