Entry 62: Goron City

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We left after watching the sunrise.

Yunobo was wierded out by how my skin became so wrinkly after being in the water for so long.

While hiking I asked him if he ever wanted to travel since he's never left Death Mountain. He said that he would like to but was afraid if something were to happen and he couldn't get help, and that with Hyrule being such a big place he'd have no idea where to start. I told him about the places I had been. He said it was incredible how I could describe them so vividly.

I asked him what he knew about Daruk. He didn't know much more than me, mostly just the basics like he was a Champion and such.

Soon we came across a drawn-up bridge. The Bridge of Eldin. The boss has it raised up so no one can get too close to where the Divine Beast Rudania resides. Yunobo had this big grin when he explained how we could use a near by cannon to get it down by having him use Daruk's Protection as ammunition. Just as before, I used the Sheikah bombs to set off the cannon, and we got the bridge down in no time.

As we made our way across the bridge Yunobo said that it'll get dangerous so I'd better stay alert and on guard, if we get too close then Rudania will attack us.

My heart got caught in my throat as Rudania stopped moving, and many small flying Guardians like the ones by Akkala Tower came charging from the beast and surrounded a large area around it, including the only path there was leading to the cannon. Yunobo told me that if those things spotted us, the mountain will erupt and Rudania will thrash about. He told me that as a seasoned traveler and warrior he'd trust my judgement when it came to dealing with them. But with how surprising loud lava can be we came up with the idea of using a signal system, specifically whistling.

I know this is probably weird, but he just keeps reminding me more, and more of Friend... He even mentioned that whistling would be like calling a horse.

We hid under rocks, or even climbed around them. Most often I'd destroy them by using the metal power of the Sheikah Slate and bash any metal I could find into the flying Guardians and blow them up. If I could get to a higher advantage point I'd blow them up with bombs or push boulders on top of them. The techniques Yunobo showed me for Goron wrestling were quite handy in that instance.

When we reached a cannon, I shot Yunobo, sending him flying into Rudania, causing it to make that ear-splitting roar and scurry a little up the mountain. The higher we got the more Guardians there were and less and less places there were to hide, till there were none at all. After shooting Rudania with several different cannons it eventually made its way into the heart of the mountain. I immediately raced after it, with Yunobo asking where I thought I was going.

Before I could leap in after Rudania, Yubono grabbed me and asked what in the world I was thinking. When I said I planned on boarding the Divine Beast he said that even I would get killed, it was too dangerous. When I said it was the only way to stop its rampage for good, he asked me why risk my life for that when we could just keep using him to drive it off. He said that he couldn't let me throw away my life. I started to explain what should happen to Hyrule if Rudania wasn't stopped for good, but he interrupted me, stating he knew all that, but... "Aren't you scared? Link, if you die in there nobody will know! Nobody can help you! Please, don't do this! This isn't being brave or a hero, this, I don't know, it's something else!" But he also admitted that this was probably my big chance to gain control of it. His hands which were gripped on my shoulders quaked as he spoke. Before I could answer the ground shook beneath us. Before I knew it the footing under me had collapsed. Yubono immediately jumped in after me, clutching me close, and Daruk's protection surrounded both of us as we plummeted.

Yunobo panicked, realizing we were on the Divine Beast. The moment we entered the door behind us shut, and we were trapped in complete darkness. We held hands to not get separated. I used the fire rod I got long ago as a torch in the dark. I soon started hearing a voice which told me it was good to see me again, and he knew that I would come back, he pointed me towards where the guidance stone was, where I could get a map.

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