Entry 163: Rito Village

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It's so incredibly eerie seeing Vah Medoh just hanging in the sky.

We ran into a stone talus on the path. Got lots of ore out of it. Perhaps I can ask Sidon or return to Gerudo Town to get the gems shaped so I can fit them into Sidon's armor. I have jewelry pieces and such, but the gems have to be fitted to fit in the armor. Sidon only sent me away with on set of each of the gems I had on me, but what if they broke? It'd be good to have extra just in case. And maybe he could also make a set for Bossa Nova so he could get the powers of gemstones too.

We were also able to collect many arrows at a lizalfos camp.

We had to cross an extremely precariously thin bridge. The wind is vicious, it's picked up so quickly over night. We almost fell off a few times and I actually did once and Kass caught me.

I keep seeing more and more shrines and towers off in the distance, and I've been marking them all on my maps. There are also a lot of wind... pin wheel things. They look like giant children's toys. Kass told me that he once heard tales of how those were used to help with farming, like back in Hateno.

We ran into battle after battle getting to the village. Even the village entrance was surrounded by monsters. Turns out they've been practically flooding the area and the warriors have barely been able to keep up. It's even more difficult with everyone fearing taking flight. I ended up spending the rest of the day trying to thin the numbers of the seemingly endless monsters. The warriors seemed impressed with my skill. They mentioned someone named Teba, about with my skill maybe I could knock some sense into him. If someone as skilled as me told him fighting the Divine Beast was impossible, surely he'd give it up and stop worrying his wife and son to death with how injured he's gotten trying to fight the thing. Kass was oddly quiet when the guy was mentioned.

So Teba wants to fight the Divine Beast, perhaps he knows of a weakness I could exploit to get on the thing without getting shot... or how to even get up to it in the first place.

It's freezing here at night; the village is right next to snowy mountains.

The village itself is located on a giant pillar like thing. There are smaller ones with little bridges connecting to them that lead to the village. The village goes up instead of being spread out on the ground and each level is a different district. The lower ones are shops, inns and the like, the one above it communal places for everyone to use such as kitchens and crafting tables and such, above that living spaces where houses are, and at the very top, the village elder.

We bought some warm clothes for me which has been so nice! Shedded Rito feathers are used in it making it so cozy, soft, and warm. The clothes are fashioned after the warriors clothing. I can see pieces of the warriors' armor in Kass' clothing. When traveling you need good armor, and what better armor than that of a warrior he told me.

He showed me a shrine in the village. When I was finished Kass was nowhere around. I asked Bossa Nova where Kass was, but he simply laid there as a yellow feathered rito child kept petting him, he did follow me as I went searching. Kotts was surprised, and glad to hear her father was back and she immediately ran off, assumable to go searching for him.

When searching I found a purple rito child running away from a green feathered rito woman. She was calling out to the child and begged me to stop her. I caught her before she could jump off the flying point. Kheel was miffed but understood she shouldn't go out, but she couldn't stand being stuck at home anymore. Amali thanked me so much. She has five daughters and since they were told to stay home because of the divine beast they had been getting needier by the moment and they were becoming a bit much to handle. Once Kheel was on her way home Amali wished aloud she could be a child again, but it was her children's turn to be children and she was going to make sure they could do so and that meant her needed to be the bigger person for them.

She also wished someone was around, but as she said that Kass appeared, saying that he was here, and in each of his wings was one of his daughters, the others following him or riding on Bossa Nova's back.

It's so sweet seeing them all together, they're just so loving and it's lovely. Amali then recognized me, Kass had spoken much about me apparently, I'm his favorite person to run into when traveling.

It had been a hectic day and Amali hadn't gotten the chance to cook dinner. I got to help while Kass occupied his children with tales of our adventures and played songs for them to which they sung along.

I really liked talking with Amali! She taught me several rito recipes and I taught her some of my favorites! When she cooks, she thinks of her daughters, and wonders what the future holds for them and the village. Her thoughts tend to get dark but getting something to eat usually helps. It's nice, meeting someone else who finds comfort in food. I don't know why, but it is. I asked her if anything else helped her when her thoughts got dark. Being with loved ones. But what if you couldn't be with them, and their safety was exactly what scared you, if their safety solely relied on you and you don't trust yourself to protect them. She told me it was okay to rely on others, it takes a village to raise a single child she said. When things are too great for yourself, you can rely on others, no matter how personal or great the task. Another, was trusting in their own strength some can't protect themselves like her children but some can like Kass, so she trusts in his strength and love for them, that no matter what, no matter how long he would always return home. Is that how Hateno sees me?

She asked me if I ever cook for anyone, or if it was for me. She told me one of the greatest feelings is cooking for someone you care about. She then told me I should use the pot to cook something for my sweetheart. And she also hoped there was someone who would cook for me. Notts, Kotts, Genli, Cree, and Kheel burst in and hounded me, asking who my sweetheart is. Kass apologized for his daughters getting away from him. When I told them he was a powerful and kind prince from far away land they started chanting "It's the fish prince!" Seeing my reaction Amali giggled a little and sighed, saying it was a young love.

Why must Sidon be able to tease me and get me to blush even when he's not around. HE ALWAYS DOES THIS!

Kass and Amali set up beds for Bossa Nova and I and are letting us stay with them for the night. Well, they're not really beds but they're more like shallow, long baskets? I'm not sure how to describe them, but they're comfortable.

I guess tomorrow I'll go searching for that Teba guy and meet the elder for more information on the Divine Beast. Perhaps Kass knows a song about it? For now, it's time to rest.

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