Entry 61: Goron Hot Springs

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Yunobo agreed to accompany me to drive away Rudania. I hope Boss doesn't mind me using the cannons without asking.

Because Rudania scurries around so quickly and due to the positioning of the cannons it will take a while to reach them.

Yunobo led me down a long and winding path. It wasn't really a path, it was more rock climbing than anything else.

We rode in some mine carts part of the way, that was fun till we reached the sharp turns and due to our combined weight almost fell off a few times.

Whenever we ran into enemies Yunobo would protect himself with Daruk's protection and I would fight. He always seems so impressed, saying I'm so strong. He thanks me each and every single time.

I fought countless monsters. Monsters of so many different types, the variations were even vaster than they were just on fire now. I was told that there's a fine line between courage and recklessness. She said that with these attacks becoming more common place she was worried that this was an omen that Calamity Gannon would soon return.

Yunobo asked me if I was alright. I told him I just remembered something.

We stumbled across some hot springs. We'd been hiking nonstop, so our muscles were sore, and this was the perfect place to take a break. The moment I got in I immediately felt refreshed, and the bruises and scratches I accumulated from climbing and hiking had disappeared as if I ate. Yubono told me that it's believed that hot springs have healing properties.

We then just talked. Not really anything specific, we jump from topic to topic whenever we wanted. We talked about our pasts, interests, what it's like to travel so much, what it's like to have only lived in one place for your whole life, anything really. During this he asked for my name. When I told him, he was as far as I could recall the second person to ever ask that, he was shocked. Most people just either already knew my name, or we met briefly so it wasn't needed.

Yubono said that given how strong I am I should try Goron wrestling. Basically, it's two people in a ring and the goal is to shove the other out of it. It sounded fun, but I don't think my strength could do a thing to a Goron. We ended up wrestling a bit in the spring, and my suspicion was confirmed.

We watched the sunset. It was gorgeous, especially with the glow of the lava. As beautiful as Zora's Domain is, I think nothing can beat the view of being anywhere on Death Mountain at night. The contrast between the dark sky and the bright lava is breath taking. Yunobo agreed with me that this has got to be one of the most beautiful places, even if he hasn't been any place else other than here for his whole life. I wonder if there is some way I could get Sidon to join me here for a night.

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