Entry 146: Zora's Domain

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The doctors want to see how my body is when naturally asleep, how it affects my healing capabilities, but I just can't. Sidon convinced them to not push me on that.

I can finally go outside though! I never knew I could miss this so much!

*You were so good with the children when they came racing up to you asking where you had been! It was adorable seeing you with them once more. You yourself start acting like them, so hyper and excitable, you're like an older brother to them all. It's no wonder they're so taken by you. Though you need to learn how to say 'no' to them on occasion.

You didn't see how sad they looked when I told them I couldn't show them some cool fighting moves! How was I supposed to say no!?

*If only you could learn to set some boundaries for their sake and your own, you'd make for the perfect doting father, Link.

I don't know about that. I just know how to fight. I'm sure you'd make for a good father though.

*Don't sell yourself short my friend! You are so empathetic and kind. You even are doing all you can to teach the Gerudo's chief!

Sidon found a new function of the Sheikah slate! It can capture moving moments, not just freeze them! I asked him if he could help me teach Riju. When I fight, I don't really think, it's more reactionary so trying to teach something I don't even put thought into is difficult, so I tried teaching Sidon and the children as practice, but I just didn't know how to go about it, so I fought some monsters to show!

*I'd like to add I tried stopping you, but Bossa Nova took you, and the children and ran before I could say anything despite you needing to rest your arm!

And as the slate shows I didn't use or move it at all! I even stopped fighting soon after and had you be the example!

After a few fights I was able to figure out what I was doing. I had Sidon freeze the moments as a way of documenting what I was doing so I could teach Riju later. I've been writing everything in a separate book Sidon gave me so I can use it as a guide for when I teach Riju! As we were doing this though Sidon stumbled upon a new function. By pressing one of the raised parts of the slate it changes to capturing moments, but they move and have sound! I was able to teach Sidon and the children my fighting style. Just like with rock-climbing he's a fast learner! Though Zoras use spears and not swords and shields he had mastered what I do already.

*That is entirely thanks to you, my dearest friend. I may have been able to get the basics due to your tutelage, but I've yet to refine and truly master it. I still have much to learn as well as the little ones!

You told me that I taught using the shield very well. Sidon thinks that once my arm is healed and infection free, I may be able to really utilize it and actually protect myself with it instead of dodging every attack like I have been.

Sidon is also a great teacher! Sidon had me stop the lessons so we could make food for the children in time for lunch! Just like the people, weapons, and architecture the food is beautiful.

*It warms my heart immensely to know you think so too.

Unlike the Gerudo, the Zora don't use many plants, they mostly use fish, crabs, snails, and frogs in their dishes. Any plants are mostly used for garnish. Plants are really hard to eat with their sharp, serrated teeth, it just get's caught and is a hassle to deal with.

Sidon lost a tooth when he and the children were eating! He explained how Zoras grow and lose teeth very quickly. Just picking it up I cut myself and Sidon quickly bandaged my finger. It was so sharp I didn't even notice it had cut me!

*That or it's your ridiculously high tolerance for pain. I worry about you.

It can't be that high, I still feel pain in battle when I get hit. I think I only didn't notice the pain from the infection because it grew so slowly.

*Still, with how sever it was, you should have at least noticed it.

Well... I did, sometimes, but it was just always there I guess it never seemed noteworthy to me.

With the shape, size and how sharp it is, I think it would make for a great arrowhead.

*So that's why you want my tooth! I meant to ask you before, but with the children dragging us into playing games with them I hadn't gotten the chance too.

I still don't know yet though, I have to test it first.

I still can't get myself to sleep. I'd like to walk around the Domain, it's just so beautiful at night, just softly glowing, like Sidon, but the doctors would like me to at least try so now I'm just laying in bed.

Bossa Nova is soft, and he insists on sleeping next to me in bed. With how cold the Domain can be, it feels so nice to hug him at night.

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