*My friend,

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much has happened. The doctors are keeping you on the sleep medicine to see if you can heal without eating, being able to heal slowly would be so helpful for you, they worry about you healing and trapping stones in yourself again, it shouldn't happen because they are caring for you, but... It would be great to know should you retain injuries like this again. They say the medicine may make your memory fuzzy and I realized you were rushed off to get healed, you never got a chance to write, so I'll do my best for you! I'll wright down as much as I can so I don't miss a single thing. I may not be able to capture your thoughts, but I can recall the moments we shared.

*It was a pleasant surprise to see Kass had come to visit the Domain once more. He spoke of his misadventures with you and Bossa Nova. I always love hearing these tales from him, they show just how much you do, how you're always fighting on, seemingly without rest, it makes me feel you are nearby. Yet, his last tale, he spoke of how pale you were, how you were so distant, constantly getting lost in thought and how Bossa Nova kept bucking you to get your attention back. You just couldn't concentrate long on the task he said. He also noted how you held your side stiffly. You're footing was unsteady, you constantly swaying even when standing. He also told me how you slept for two weeks straight in the shrine. He knew he could not do much except try to find you help, so he came to me. He told me of your plan to come to Lanaru Tower and how you were to pass through Rutala River.

*I left with some fishermen who were going to do their work by Rutala River so I could go search for you.

*I'm so glad I did.

*I found you and Bossa Nova in a fight with some Yiga Clan members. Even with but a fishing spear and not a proper weapon, I believe I was of help, and we were able to drive them off. I was so relieved to see you both, I hugged you close, just so glad you were safe. I was not surprised to see that attack though, the Yiga had been camping by the waters, attacking any zora they see, I can only guess they wish for revenge against me for having a hand in their leader's demise. Your expression, that horror, it's etched into my mind and will not go. I assured you that we are all well, and simply sending a guard or two with any party fishing outside of the Domain is enough to protect them. We are all safe.

*I asked you to come sit by the shore with me to just talk for a while. I asked you if you were feeling well. You only said you were feeling very tired. I simply could not believe exhaustion was the only thing plaguing you, it had to be a sign of something bigger, you looked so sick. I realize zoras can withstand the cold better than Hylians, but surely it was not cold enough for you to shiver so violently, right?

*I'd never wish to push you into speaking, but I had to ask if that was all.

*You told me you were scared of yourself. You wondered if you were a monster like a Hinox or Lynel. If you were killed, if you'd turn to purple smoke. I answered sincerely, I don't believe you'd turn to smoke. You asked me what I thought of them, if they were intelligent creatures like you and I. I think so, I know they can make buildings like us, they can fight like us, they seem to communicate in their own languages, I've even seen them horse around with one another before or playing a simple game of kick ball.

*You told me you think you're a monster.

*You spoke of how the monsters relentlessly chase you, they never stop hunting you, they may be easy to beat, but they never give up, they fight to the death unlike the Yiga who on rarer occasion run. You told me you have that same drive as them, and that you're weak like them, and you feared it so much. My heart broke hearing how your voice quiver and quaked, so quiet, so tired. You told me how you have this overwhelming need to keep going on this journey. This relentless pursuit you can't let go of. Even when you feel awful, your thoughts go dark, you just keep going, no matter what. I know it's not a mindless pursuit, it's your courage. You keep going even when you're scared, you are so strong to make that choice every waking moment, so many in your place would have collapsed under the pressure of all this, of the Divine Beasts and the Calamity, so many would have been too scared to even consider facing all that you have, they would have run, but you keep choosing to do this no matter how hurt you are. That is your courage, choosing to do that even when you are scared. It's like being a good person. Even a good person could think about not helping that stranger in need or to do bad things, but they still have the strength to choose to do so, and that's what makes them good. You by far are the most courageous individual I have ever known... And that means something, to me at least, I knew my sister, Mipha, someone who'd race onto the battlefield to heal all who were injured no matter how dangerous, I believe you are even stronger than her, the strongest person I knew till you came into my life once more.

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